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  1. Gammas Bearded Babies

    prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

    We serve a MIGHTY GOOD GOD!!! He is so worthy of all the praise!!! Praying for all yall!
  2. Gammas Bearded Babies

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Hey yall...when silkies do their 1st year molt about how long does it last and how pitiful do they look? Bambi has pin feathers that I'm starting to see in her wings! So this gives me hope that they aren't sick but rather molting...or over mated. Mine are all at the 1 year or little more age and...
  3. Gammas Bearded Babies

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Whatever u do don't do what I did! I had same situation last year and thought I was being smart moving the 5 day olds to the brooder which is inside my main run. This let the babies that had just hatched have couple days to acclimate to eating and drinking. Then I brought the older ones back to...
  4. Gammas Bearded Babies

    prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

    Please pray for my son-in-law and daughter as they go to several doctors today and tomorrow to try and figure out what is causing so many problems in his body that are getting much worse week by week.
  5. Gammas Bearded Babies

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Check with Bobbi Porto @ Show Silkies for over 20 years! And she's in FL!
  6. Gammas Bearded Babies

    Natural cat litter in coop?

    I get chickens are my babies and me and the grandsons love hanging out with them in the run. My daughters are ok with the dirt and dust that comes with us going down there and I sanitize their hands, they each have chicken shoes they wear, then scrub their hands once we are back in the...
  7. Gammas Bearded Babies

    What did you do with your flock today?

    @kurby22 oh me yall did have rough day! So glad it wasn't any worse, could have been so bad. Vacations just take so much effort and energy...especially with children! And I can't even imagine leaving all my babies and me having so many issues right now! Sure are fortunate to have such an...
  8. Gammas Bearded Babies

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Well I just ran with it and washed and trimmed all their booties! About 4 of em had a little skin irritation so I sprayed em with Veritcyn really well!
  9. Gammas Bearded Babies

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    That's just the thing...the symptoms were more eating a lot but not gaining weight so I thought maybe tape worms. I mean don't most chickens with all these feathers that are being mated end up with nasty bums? So I'm not sure if I caught it early and that's why no other symptoms or not. Even...
  10. Gammas Bearded Babies

    prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

    Thank You Lord for allowing us to see what You are doing sometimes! It sure does increase our faith if we are like ole doubting Thomas. I am praying for all that have no air conditioning or ineffective ac during this heat wave. Also praying for all the poor animals outside. And so much other...
  11. Gammas Bearded Babies

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    So like most others we are in heat advisory with temps at 100 and feels like 124°. On top of that I'm treating my flock for coccidia. Ugh - so no electrolytes for them til after Sunday or Monday. I'm wondering if I could just dip their booties in cool water to wash their bums. Or would this be...
  12. Gammas Bearded Babies

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Another of u without AC?! OMGeeze My son is HVAV thankful we got one in the family! Wish I could send him yalls way! He was in "real feel" 124° yesterday with a blow torch in his face 3 hours fixing a poor ladies older unit. Extra prayers for yall! A lot of documentation you...
  13. Gammas Bearded Babies

    What did you do with your flock today?

    No AC in this weather! 😢 praying it gets fixed for yall asap! Hey how are the pea babies?! I know I'm so behind I'm not gonna try to catch up reading pages and pages.
  14. Gammas Bearded Babies

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Awe thank u! I sure miss yall! I'm beyond busy with new grandbabies born 3 weeks apart couple months ago. Then I lost my favorite lil hen! Now I'm treating em all for coccidia. So been limiting my time on the phone to avoid being tempted with more chicks/chickens!
  15. Gammas Bearded Babies

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Ok we just had a massive storm and here's an example of how the run gets right smack in the middle. It's the entire DARK area there in middle and to the right which goes underneath the brooder in there. I'm really hoping we can get that side of the run stained and the leftover gutter from...
  16. Gammas Bearded Babies

    What did you do with your flock today?

    @ChicksnMore that is gonna be beautiful! Are u burning it into the wood? @kurby22 & @TropicalBabies I had found this in ad while watching gardening on YouTube What do yall think? Too good to be true? Would it work outside for the run that is covered...
  17. Gammas Bearded Babies

    What did you do with your flock today?

    I sure wish mine sounded more like mockin birds!!! Lolol @kurby22 awesome info! I use DE in the run n dustbath and FSL around perimeter but will definitely add in the run soon as they get my last shipment to me that's 2 weeks late...said new computer system. I did add 2 new ones...which may...
  18. Gammas Bearded Babies

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Sorry I've been away for so long yall...between these grandbabies and my Bearded Babies I'm exhausted and limiting my time on the phone so I go to God more for strength and guidance as opposed to social media which has whole set of issues for me! Anyways wanted to let yall know I took in fecal...
  19. Gammas Bearded Babies

    What did you do with your flock today?

    I was lookin into misters for mine...but got concerned bout our high humidity and it making it actually worse. Do yall have high humidity there?
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