What did you do with your flock today?

Still preferring outdoors even with it being 106 out right now 😂 Jazzy been keeping me company and begging treats so had fun taking pictures of her.
And the chickens having some free time. Poor babies get nothing but dirt to play in even when free!
Nothing out of the ordinary today but I did take time to steal a slice of special multigrain bread and let 3 of my special kids sit in my lap and partake of it. Rocky the huge white rock dude, Cassidy a beloved Delaware, and Ms Godiva a White Giant that healed up from a predator attack. I never thought she would have lived through the night much less made a complete recovery.
Still preferring outdoors even with it being 106 out right now 😂 Jazzy been keeping me company and begging treats so had fun taking pictures of her.View attachment 3562650View attachment 3562651View attachment 3562653View attachment 3562655View attachment 3562656And the chickens having some free time. Poor babies get nothing but dirt to play in even when free!View attachment 3562680View attachment 3562681View attachment 3562682View attachment 3562683
Such pretty babies you have!! ❤️❤️❤️ I can’t believe you prefer to be outside 😆😆 We were forced to today and I had so much sweat dripping I couldn’t see! 😫 It was SO hot when we were done we just stripped to our skivvies and jumped in the pool and it felt AMAZING.
SOOO busy today. We had son’s basketball this morning at 8:30, ran errands till 2, got home and spent the next three hours cleaning, dealing with last minute chicken things, and taking apart, cleaning, and then battling to put back together the AC unit. SOOO frustrating to battle metal in an awkward space when it’s 108 outside. 😫 I spent a lot of time checking on the chickens too. Put out ice packs, bags of ice, and cooled off waterers for coops in the most sun. I feel so bad for the babies because they seem the least well adapted to the temps and they’re in a weird spot for heat. Then we did laundry, packed the kids suitcases, cleaned the guest bedroom, cleaned the kitchen, have a tutorial on chicken coops for the neighbor checking on them tomorrow night, and then cleaned the kitchen again after I tried to burn the house down 🤦🏼‍♀️ We have all our foods we bought to take in the car and to the beach on the stove. I shoved the bag of watermelons to the back wall and the watermelon fell and apparently turned on a burner 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ We got super lucky the Graham crackers took the brunt of the heat absorption, and we lost the marshmallows which had melted all over the burner. But otherwise okay. Cleaning it up sucked though, and we will have to buy more s’mores stuff haha.

Why does preparing for vacation take so much work?? 😫
@kurby22 sorry about your baby Chloe. What a blessed life she had ♡♡♡♡ My heart goes out to you all, I know it must be very hard to separate the head and the heart. :hugs 💕

Oh my gosh you poor thing! I needed a nap just reading your post. Sorry about the laugh emoji but there is much humor in what you have to do to get out the door for a few days. So 👍🙂☹️🤤😂😭❤️ is what I really give your post.
I commend your powerpoints and labeling - hopefully the bottom does not drop out - I hope you have 0 losses and a nice cool trip 👍👍👍
Yuck on the digits. 109, no thanks. Like being in a crockpot 🥵. You are lucky to have a pool!
Yeah I’d laugh too if I wasn’t so HOT 😫

I now understand why people with children or farms never get vacations. I need less chickens 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ Gonna have to get a new sitter that loves chickens after this cuz my friend isn’t gonna wanna do this all the time. Although we are paying her with several bottles of wine and she gets to use the pool all week 😆
@kurby22 oh me yall did have rough day!
So glad it wasn't any worse, could have been so bad.
Vacations just take so much effort and energy...especially with children!
And I can't even imagine leaving all my babies and me having so many issues right now!
Sure are fortunate to have such an amazing friend!!!
I was gonna ask ya something but can't remember for the life of me what it was now...lol
@kurby22 I swear hubby's a little OCD at times, and even though the repair guys were out and said all's well, hubby's convinced there's something wrong with the one unit. So he's turning it on, off, on, off all day long. Gotta let him do his thing 😂. But I'm definitely happier outside while he is 🤣🤣🤣. Just wish we had a pool too...lucky you! ❤️ I'm tempted at times to do like my dogs and use our little pond!

I stress about traveling too...hard not to when you have lots of little ones needing care. But it sounds like your doing everything you possibly can to make it run smooth and easy for your friend ❤️
Still preferring outdoors even with it being 106 out right now 😂 Jazzy been keeping me company and begging treats so had fun taking pictures of her.View attachment 3562650View attachment 3562651View attachment 3562653View attachment 3562655View attachment 3562656And the chickens having some free time. Poor babies get nothing but dirt to play in even when free!View attachment 3562680View attachment 3562681View attachment 3562682View attachment 3562683
Jazzy is gorgeous! What a beautiful mare 😍😍😍
Your babies are all so beautiful.

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