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  1. wyoDreamer

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    That's neat Jared. We have a couple of authentic German Steins in my husbands bar collection. As well as a number of beer trays, signs, tip trays, ... It will work nicely to keep the bees out of your soda when you are outside.
  2. wyoDreamer

    Ongoing Quilt Projects, Continued from the "No Appreciation...." Thread

    I love all the gold fabric in that quilt! It is very pretty. lately I have been anti-white in quilts. don't know why but I don't like the look of too much white fabric in quilts and that is a change for me. I have a stack of white fabrics in various tones and prints that I bought to make a...
  3. wyoDreamer

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    @jvls1942 I love that cutting board! I just spent $50 on a new cutting board from a Kitchen shop in town. I need to oil it, it seems pretty dry. But it would be nice to have one made to fit my sink!
  4. wyoDreamer

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    We got about 8 inches of snow last week and were without power for 5 days. Snow was gone before the power came back on, lol. I had permission to work from home, but with no power I had to go to the office to work. NOt many people showed up in the office.
  5. wyoDreamer

    Ongoing Quilt Projects, Continued from the "No Appreciation...." Thread

    Your quilting is gorgeous! Maybe someday I can do something like that. We are looking at buying a quilting machine now, so we can pay it off before we both retire. Those suckers are expensive! DH just bought a new pick-up truck for hauling our camper. He is calling it his retirement...
  6. wyoDreamer

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    when i got home from work today I saw a hawk in the chicken run. Dang, I meant to lock them up this morning and forgot. Luckily Mr. Hawk didn't get chicken for supper. All the hens were hiding in the coop - quietly sitting on top of the nest boxes staring at the pop door. NOt making a sound...
  7. wyoDreamer

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Jared, You were asking about attachments for your moms new kitchenaid and I have a suggestion: the ice cream bowl. It is great for making frozen yogurt, fruit ices, and ice cream. I have the pasta maker. I have never been able to get the pasta maker/press to work, I think you need to have...
  8. wyoDreamer

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    Last week I was informed by the surveyors at work that the frost is out of the ground. They have been busy pounding in stakes for the summer construction projects. When I was growing up, the radio station news would include a grave diggers report during the winter - letting everyone know how...
  9. wyoDreamer

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    Wow, snowing hey. glad we didn't go to Medford to install the nieces garage door opener. We had cold, wind and cloudy here, but no moisture. It does feel like it would like to snow though - kinda cold, humid if you know what I mean. Hope you stayed warm, Jim.
  10. wyoDreamer

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    Sorry about the loss of your pets. Planning to start my tomatoes and peppers in the house. Spinach and lettuce also. Anything else I need to start now.
  11. wyoDreamer

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    the circular saw sharpener sounds like a wonderful addition to the shop. I may need to look into that for hubby's shop. I usually have homemade waffles in the freezer. Hub's likes Eggo waffles- not me, so I get to eat the yummy homemade ones. I used to have a waffle maker for the rectangular...
  12. wyoDreamer

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Jared, Glad that you caught the fire right away! The best practice is to have a metal can with a tight-fitting lid that you put the ashes in when you clean a fireplace. Store the can outside - away from the house. You never know when there will be hot ember left over. So many house and...
  13. wyoDreamer

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    Some of my stuff is from Wyoming - it moved to Wisconsin with us, lol.
  14. wyoDreamer

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    I have a chest freezer that I need to clean out. I know it has stuff in there from when we moved back to Wisconsin in 2014. There is a nice solid layer of ice that needs to be melted out of there.
  15. wyoDreamer

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    Starting to plan my garden for this summer. I may go out with the weedwacker and do some cleanup where I am going to put in a raised bed for strawberries. Get the weeds chopped down to ground level, maybe scrape some roots out and then get the cardboard down and covered with coop cleanings...
  16. wyoDreamer

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    A red-tailed hawk took my Rooster last Wednesday. Hubby found the massacre, said both the male and female were there partaking of the feast. He called and said he had some sorta bad news, he thinks. He told me that the rooster was killed and I celebrated. I was planning on butchering him...
  17. wyoDreamer

    It's Soup Weather! Share Your Favorite Recipes Here!

    I made a pot of Boiled Dinner and canned 6 pint jars and 1 quart jar. I know they say not to can cabbage but I can't eat a whole batch of soup by myself and this way i can have it for lunches. I will see how it turned out this week.
  18. wyoDreamer

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    We ended up with about 18" of snow in the backyard. Quite a bit of drifting, but DH worked hard and got everything cleared out before the big freeze. A snowblower in the tractor sure helps alot. Starting to plan for gardening this summer. Need to get the garden area cleaned up and planted...
  19. wyoDreamer

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    Tom & Jerry's are so good! They are warm and comfy. Great for relaxing after Ice Fishing or Snow shoveling, lol. @jvls1942 Sorry I am late to the party, but here is my family's recipe for Tom & Jerry mix. Those recipes with all the spices are not what I am used to having here in NE...
  20. wyoDreamer

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    Our neighbor always left his truck hood up - to keep out the ground squirrels he said. Claimed the ground squirrels were chewing the wiring harness. One day hubby opened the hood on our car to check the oil before a trip and saw little eyes staring up at him. He poked it with a stick and a...
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