
  1. H


  2. edenking48

    Sour Crop after Antibiotics

    I have a hen that recently got over a respiratory infection after a course of doxycycline. A day or two after I reintroduced her to the flock I noticed that once of my new pullets was pooping blood- I separated her and started everyone else on a preventative dose of Corid. I did a tremendously...
  3. E

    Duck with Swollen foot - antibiotics? Treatment advice?

    We have a pekin with a swollen foot, it's got a low-grade infection (I know because it's hot). There's a swollen red blister on the right hand side and the middle toe is doubled in size. She is limping and has been limping for a few weeks now. I have tried washing her and doing some general...
  4. Aprilxoxo

    Dosage for chickens with vetafarm triple c

    Ive been perscribed antibiotics from a vet for a sick quail. Its fixed my bird right up but it cost me a bloody fortune and i was even angrier when i found out it was stuff i can buy from the pet shop (Vetafarm triple c) Ingredients: Chlortetracycline Hydrochloride 100mg/g Recently one of my...
  5. M

    Tri S antibiotics

    A couple questions. 1. Will this work for the bubbly eye probably coryza, and do you withdraw eggs with this antibiotic? Thanks in advance!
  6. B

    Ivermectin & Tylen (Tylosin) at the same time safe?

    My 4yr old Barred Rock hen is in the middle of a rough molt. I upgraded her food w/o transition & shortly after, she developed signs of illness and severe diarrhea. By day 6, I finally got fecal results back from a vet that showed she had no parasitic infection. Wouldn’t offer any more help...
  7. L

    Infected flock: contemplating culling

    Good evening everybody, An important preface: We have reached out to almost every veterinarian in our state (we live in the US). Almost all of them are either completely booked or have stopped seeing poultry altogether. We were able to get an unofficial diagnosis from an acquaintance who is a...
  8. Jimsunweed

    She’s doing that “gaping” breathing? How should I proceed

    It’s been 5 days now and she’s today become inactive…and I’ve begun to hear a low Strider (slight whistle with her inhales). there’s no vet nearby so I’m at a loss… is strider a symptom of gapeworm? If it’s bacterial how do you administer antibiotics to a chicken who isn’t eating/drinking ? I’ll...
  9. Z

    My Chicken Is Sneezing And Has Foam In 1 Eye, But Is Acting Healthy

    Hi everyone my Frizzle Silkie mix has been sneezing for a bit but she has been acting normal so I thought nothing of it. I use a scratch with a lot dust, so I thought the sneezing was because of that. Today I noticed one of her eyes had foam in it, so I immediately isolated her. I also took out...
  10. Jvillemudkitten


    I know there are several threads on bumblefoot and I swear I’ve combed through them all.. but I figured I would add mine to the mix.. I have a welsh harlequin, free range, who now has her 2nd case of bumblefoot in 2 years.. this time it’s pretty severe. I’ll add photos to the end. It went on...
  11. B

    Chicks with Respiratory Issues

    Hi Everybody! I appreciate you taking the time to read my giant book of a thread. I really am searching for some help and answers. So a little back story. I went online in search of a local breeder because I wanted to support local and avoid obtaining chicks from mass suppliers. It was my first...
  12. Mariakoltsa

    Lincospectin 100 dosage? Omphalitis

    hello ! Quick question as its already too late probably. Baby chick assisted hatched. About 5 days old now. Had a swollen belly i thought might have been normal from the yolk sack. went a bit smaller but one half of her belly still swollen plus the dried belly 'cord' stump still attached. she...
  13. dublinducks

    Silkie Hen Feathers Strangulated Chick Leg - Unsure How to Proceed

    We have two silkie hens who are currently co-raising two chicks together (also silkies). Yesterday I heard a chick screaming and ran in to find one hen walking around with a baby stuck to her, flopping the chick around as she moved. I grabbed him, ripped him off the Mom, and raced him inside to...
  14. you-da-chick

    How long to continue LA-200 for crd hen? should I do follow up injections?

    My silkie hen has been sneezing along with very slight facial swelling, and occasional subtle gasping. I suspect cmd, as she's had this come and go her whole life with no issues, however with the weather being extremely cold and her molt, she was definitely struggling. She's now living in the...
  15. B

    Duck Help

    Hello, I am in need of some help! We have chickens, ducks, and turkeys and last week we noticed our Pekin Drake wasn't able to walk. He had black spots on the pads/heels of both of his feet and one that is pretty swollen. I soaked in epsom salt, wrapped in antibacterial, and was able to get the...
  16. titosfarm

    penicillin g use for sick chicken

    I have a chicken who has been struggling for weeks. I recently made a post about her, but her symptoms are: weakness in legs, light crop, mucus/drainage from nose, and struggle balancing. We debated just putting her down but she is still very responsive and we hate to if we don’t have to. The...
  17. M

    Egg Bound chicken, egg broke, cannot get prescribed antibiotics!? Help!

    One of my red comet hens (approximately 4 years old) was egg bound yesterday. Smyptoms included lethargy, squatting/waddling, and not being 'herself". Despite our best efforts (Epsom baths, dark isolation, calcium, and Vaseline on her vent) she didn't pass the egg. Today, I believe the egg broke...
  18. jschmi

    Sneezing and diarrhea in 11-week-old chickens. Respiratory Infection?

    Hello! I am looking for some suggestions on what to do. I am new to taking care of chickens and I have been noticing my chickens sneezing numerous times and I have also noticed what appears to be diarrhea in the coop. The diarrhea is a dark brown (almost black) liquid and has a foul odor. I...
  19. T

    Need help finding medicine for sick chickens

    It seems like my flock has come down with a respiratory illness. It started out with just one rooster, and now at least half of them are sick. I know that I that they need antibiotics, but I'm not sure what type to give them. Can anyone suggest an effective antibiotic that can treat multiple...
  20. R

    Help! Cat attacked chick!

    2 week old baby chick got attacked by a cat. I got to it within seconds and there is a single fang puncture wound on her side, towards the leg. I followed all the advice and separated her from other chicks, cleaned and treated the wound with Neosporin. Question: how do I give antibiotic to a...
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