bantam cochin

  1. Wolfefarmyard

    Fertile Bantam Cochin eggs

    Hello, I have fertile Bantam Cochin eggs available at the moment. We breed Black and buff bantam Cochins, so you may receive any of these colors. They come from a good bloodline! We have a great hatch rate from them, almost 100% All of our breeding stock are healthy and most of all HAPPY...
  2. G

    Gender help for Bantam Cochins

    Hello, would like the community's help in figuring out gender of these chooks. They are almost 3 months old. Wife would also like to know if green iridescence is a sure sign of a male. Let me know if more pics are needed. Thanks.
  3. PrincessAlexaLa

    Hi everyone! How you call a showgirl with straight feathers?

    Recently I had a batch of baby chicks 15 were born, but 2 of them didn't make it. Now few days later I see one of the little showgirls growing straight feathers. That's weird but I guess my Cochin bantam got on her. My very first showgirl like that tho... so how you call them chicks?
  4. nefey5883

    Raising my girls since July 2017

    Hello - Just a brief intro... I am looking forward to all of the expert advice on these forums. We started off with 6 beautiful bantams in July and have loved spending lots of time with them, giving them garden scrapes and mealworm treats. We unfortunately learned a huge lesson after losing our...
  5. givengrove


    Some blue and grey splash chicks available! Less than a week old. Each $3.00 but we can haggle a deal! OFFER: If you buy two chicks it's only $4.00! Email [email protected] for more information
  6. FirstTimeClucky

    My hen thinks she's a tribble?

    Recently I took in a 2 year old white Bantam Cochin hen. I'm keeping her under quarantine in a small separate cage before I introduce her to my other hens. She's tame and quite the little talker, she makes a range of sounds when I talk to her, and when I leave the room. A couple of days ago...
  7. Toprel

    Greetings, Newbie here!

    Greeting all, I'm Toprel, aka Craig. (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes very much so. We received our first batch of chicks about seven weeks ago. My wife has raised chickens before, but I'm very new to this. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? My wife...
  8. scoopsmom

    Can I tell who laid what?

    I recently got my first egg! Which has led to so many questions..first off, I have 4 hens and a rooster. My hens are: 1 bantam Cochin, 1 black star, and 2 gold sex links. The day before I got the first egg my dad heard our Cochin clucking up a storm all day. Next day we find an egg and as soon...
  9. l8ybud

    Help! Bantam cochin doesn't have Marek's. BROKEN LEG!!!

    Hey, I thought my banty cochin had mareks. Even though she was limping, she would drink and eat and love to limp to see us, even though she was going to get picked on and possibly mounted, recently, by another lower hen. Today, I spent time with her and thought, what if I feel her legs, are they...
  10. tacothechicken

    Respiratory infection in bantam cochin help!

    Hi guys so today I was out back and it appears one of our 6 month old cochin bantams has a respiratory infection, possibly from two younger hens we added about 1 and 1/2 weeks ago we dont have any near by vets closer than 2 hrs which could treat her. So, does anyone have any advice on what...
  11. RobandSue2

    Standard Roo over Bantam Hen

    i have a standard rooster that mates with my Bantam hens....we had a girl go broody so we set some of the eggs and sure enough they are fertile. Has anyone done these crosses? What have been your results?
  12. A

    80% of one breed died overnight.

    Hi all, So we got golden laced Batman Cochins from a registered breeder just under 2 months ago. This morning 4 out of 5 were dead/dying by noon. No signs of injury or anything and they were fine last night when I but them away. They are in a coop and run with other Batman Cochins and silkies we...
  13. enichoels

    ISO fertile eggs for bantam cochins: lemon blue, lemon splash, red brown.

    I am looking for lemon blue fertile eggs for bantam cochins. If no one has any I would also be happy with lemon splash. I would also be happy with red brown so I could just start from scratch. Thank you.
  14. LizzychicksDottyhen

    Pekin Pullets vs Cockerels and what colour are they?

    Hi all you probably get this all the time but can anyone please tell me if my little yellow chick is a pullet or cock, they are 5 weeks yesterday, I have put up comparisons with my two certain cockerels, their combs started to change colour at 4 weeks. This yellow ones come is a little pink, so...
  15. L

    In Search of: LF Cochin and Bantam Cochin Breeder

    I am searching for a breeder who deals with LF and Bantam Cochins, Frizzled as well that ships Chicks - No hatching eggs (bad experience with this option) I need to start over from my current stock - they weren't the best stock to begin with and as a newbie in the beginning few years ago I...
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