
  1. anzodroid

    Is my silkie a pure breed?

    Hey all, new to silkie chickens here. We recently purchased a new silkie and upon doing some research, noticed that the crest is not the standard silkie type. Is this just a regressive silkie gene? or could this be a mixed breed? Everything else seems to be regular silkie, although she does have...
  2. GonzoJoey

    Duck Breed

    Would anyone happen to know what breed these ducks are? Got them from tractor supply as assorted.
  3. C

    Breeds surviving vs succumbing to Marek’s

    From those that have had Marek’s in the flock, it would be interesting to know how many chickens from each breed survived or didn’t - maybe that could give some idea of disease susceptibility. If you’re interested too, please share For us: Lost 1 BO (confirmed Marek’s) & 1 GLW (suspect...
  4. G

    What breed + gender are these?

    I came across 2 chicks about 2 weeks ago and I am wondering what breed and gender these 2 adolescent chickens are?
  5. NewJourney

    3 week old ducklings introduced to adult flock, drake tried to "breed" with them

    So, here's my dilemma. It's kind of a long story so please bear with me. We bought 2 ducklings from TSC and the same day bought 4 chicks from a local non-chain farm store. They've been raised together and do great together. We then hatched out (via incubator) 9 baby chickens that we are brooding...
  6. PrairiePeckers

    What colors can I expect?

    I have a Rhode Island Roo with Smokey Pearl hens. Has anyone bred the mix? If so what was the color produced? I have 9 eggs in incubator and 19 under a broody hen! Just curious as what I can expect with mix.
  7. C

    Polish or crevecoeur chick

    Hi friends! So I have 8 chicks, two were labeled “assorted Polish crested”. The one absolutely looks like a Polish, but I’m unsure on this black one. Someone said he might be a crevecoeur, but I’m not sure how to tell the difference? He’s about 5 weeks old in this photo and he just started...
  8. Diveks

    Guess I got scammed! Now what breed could these chicks be?

    Well this was a bit disappointing! I knew something was up with their eggs, they don’t look like bielefelder eggs (breeder said young pullet eggs (which sounded odd and you shouldn’t really hatch out pullet eggs) and today some are starting to hatch out. 11 eggs went in lockdown 2 Barred rock, 8...
  9. vempst

    wondering about breed silkie hybrid x silver laced cochin

    hey everyone, i recently had my first hatch with my buff silkie whom of which is a hybrid. i only know it was from a silkie, not about the other part of it's hybrid. and the mother is a silver laced cochin to my knowledge. out of my first hatch, i came across both light feathered and dark...
  10. T

    What kind of chick is this?

    She's about a month old. When I got her a month ago, they told me she was an Easter egger. However, I recently noticed her crest, which I've never seen on a chicken before. I couldn't feel a head knot. She doesn't have ear tufts of a beard either. Any ideas what kind of chicken she could be?
  11. zimileih

    Blue Australorp vs Black Australorp Personality?

    I was wondering on if anyone has experience with blue australorp personalities. I adore black australorps but wasn't sure if the blues focused more on color than personality. I'd love to hear yalls opinion on blue australorp behavior.
  12. F

    Age and breed?

    I've got 5 new mystery chicks, when I went to the little store I bought them from the lady said that they were "bantams"- tbh i own a bantam and dont remember her being quite this big as a chick lol, plus this lady was clearly a friend looking over the store temporarily. They all have lil tail...
  13. CluckkyKrista

    What cross is this?

    Hello there all you lovely chicken-experts, we got a first egg from Ella our Easter Egger today and it was a biggie (70g) 🙌. It’s got us wondering what she might be crossed with and if we might have a blue egg layer crossed with a Brahma or Cochin maybe 🤞🏼? I ask because I noticed a few rogue...
  14. NewJourney

    Breed identification of day-old ducklings

    At TSC there were assorted ducklings. The ducklings appeared to be blue swedish, and maybe saxony or F&W runners today. I am NOT good with identifying ducklings (yet) so I stood there scrolling through several websites showcasing ducklings. I chose to buy what I think is an Ancona, and the is...
  15. MegTheHenEggQueen

    Older Hens getting Older

    Hiii! I have 3 older hens that are starting to get slower daily and are having some issues and looking a little raggedy. Here’s Oreo our Barred Rock Hen who was named after our 16 year old black lab mixed who passed on hospice a few months before starting our chicken journey. Anyways Oreo has a...
  16. M

    Midnight Majesty Pullet…Huh?!

    Hey guys! On the way home from work, the Mrs excitedly told me that our local farm store had Midnight Majesty chicks in stock and asked me to pick up a few. Soon after I arrived home with (3) Midnight Majesty Pullets and a Buff Orpington. My wife opened the chirping box and immediately thought...
  17. Beck Farms

    What breed is this hen?

    Hi all, I cannot for the life of me figure out what breed/variety this hen is. Anyone know? We are pretty sure she’s laying speckled brown eggs as the rest of ours are Easter eggers and australorps. She’s a fun anomaly that we can’t figure out! TIA Kailin Beck Beck Farms
  18. Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

    What breed is this young rooster? Polish & what?

    This is Chironamoe (Ch-ron-e-moe), he's a gentleman and is less than one year old. He's very clever, kind and docile, but I don't know what 'breed' his father is. His mother, Patti the Polish is definitely showing with his crest and comb/wattles, but I don't know who his father is. The two...
  19. Bluechickens21

    Blue laced red Wyandottes

    Hey, I just ordered 5 Blue laced Wyandotte hens and 1 Silver laced rooster, does anyone know what the chicks would look like?
  20. MegTheHenEggQueen

    Who am I and what is my gender :-)

    Smaller 3 (2 brown and 1 black) are just shy of 5 months old and all the others are almost 7 months old. Ok we will have photo overload today in this thread. I typically know 100% the sex of the chicken. But when it comes to Easter Eggers I sometimes am clueless. I will post some Easter Eggers...
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