chicken lover

  1. G


  2. B

    My housing auth is trying to trap chickens

    We have wild bantam chicken in our neighborhood, the flock is about 8 adults now. They have been here for six years in our town and just now my housing auth is being a real ___k when it comes to them. They have erected a chicken wire pen with nails in one side of a board, in my housing units...
  3. Y


  4. BethanyCarpenter


  5. Tuch baluch

    Tuch baluch

  6. C

    Chicken mommy

    I’m not a newbie but I’m always looking to get new advice or help. I live in the very northern part of New Hampshire. I had 13 chickens and 2 ducks a month ago. We have never really had ant issues with predators (thank God), until...a bobcat got into our chicken run. It killed 10 of our...
  7. MeowthLover_ThatsRight

    Hello everyone!!

    Hello!! Im new, and here are the answers to the sample questions: 1. I first got chickens almost 2 years ago! I gotta say, Im kind of a newbie 😅 2. I have 20 chickens right now!! 3. I have six americaunas, five black australorps, three brahmas, one buff orpington, one Rhode island red, two...
  8. MarlynChavez


  9. ChookieChicken

    My friend, Chookie.

    3 years ago I got a call from a friend to pick up a stray chicken who was unclaimed and soon to be euthanized by the vet. While I was watching the video of this mystery chicken, I just knew there was something special about her. My mum and I drove 40 minutes each way to pick her up. When I...
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