chicks 1 month

  1. S

    Who can tell the gender of these 25 days old chicks? Plz give your thoughts on both of these pics

    Plz respond to this.
  2. IMG_3241.jpeg


    Escaped brooder, pooping on shed floor. Fun. Fun.
  3. M

    Mixing Ages of Chicks

    Ok so I have 6 - three week old chicks, 2 or 3 are hens, which i am keeping, the remaining Roosters are going to a friend who has a farm, I just hatched out 14 new babies today. I want to wait about a week and then move the new chicks - hens and 1 Roo in with the older hens so that I don't have...
  4. ChickeninaBiscuit57

    How do I sex 1 month old chicks?

    Hey!! I have a BUNCH of 1 month old chicks and I have no clue on how to sex them. I’ve tried to looking on Google but that wasn’t helpful :/ I would usually wait untill they are like 2-3 months old but I have too many and I’m trying to sell a majority of them! Help would be appreciated!!
  5. BunnyChickenMomma

    5-Week Old Chicks Piling

    My husband and I are brand new chicken parents. Our four Buff Orpingtons are now 5 weeks old, and we recently noticed a concerning habit when we turn the lights off at night. Instead of going under the EcoGlow to sleep, our girls will squash themselves into the very corner of the brooder and...
  6. My chicken soap opera: on these are the barns of how our eggs turn. Episode 1

    My chicken soap opera: on these are the barns of how our eggs turn. Episode 1

    So we recently had an adorable baby chick hatch. Sadly the only one out of the clutch. We had an unfortunate fully formed bomb egg, and baby was gone. However I currently have a chicken soap opera entitled these are the barns of how our eggs turn. Involving 3 roos, and two hens. This is the...
  7. sarahewilliams

    What color Wyandotte?

    Is this girl a blue lace or golden laced Wyandotte? I have a few but her color is a lot different than the others.
  8. ScratchScratchPeck

    Strange Beak Bruising On All Month Old Chicks

    Hi, I noticed today that all 7 of my month old chicks (Orpingtons and RIRs) have bruised, flaking beaks. I don't know what could cause this or how to treat it. I'm suspecting either fungal infection (which again I'm not sure how to treat or how they would have gotten it) or maybe they've damaged...
  9. K

    Help IDing this chicken

    Hello, I am a new chicken owner. I went to tractor supply and asked for two Rhode Island Reds, but ended up with two of another breed. I have been searching online and think they may be ISA Browns but I am not really sure. Can anyone help with the ID? They are about ~5 weeks old. If I missed...
  10. FeatherSwift93

    4 week old update!

    Today my Rhode Island Red chicks are 4 weeks old! They are growing super fast and making more of a mess these days lol They have learned to scratch and I am having to sweep around their pen a couple times a day from all the wood chips. They are all perching and they love Kale!
  11. MiniBarnFarmMaine

    Stumped On Breed

    Hey everyone! I picked these chicks up this weekend, so far out of the six I’ve narrowed down I have: 1 Australorp 2 Rhode Island Red OR Easter Egger 1 Buff Orpington (who I strongly think is a rooster) Last two I can’t figure out is this brown/black pattern pullet (who’s pretty!) & then the...
  12. Silling

    Can i add new chicks?

    I had a hen hatch 4 chicks and a month later 3 of the 4 just disappeared. The hen is still mothering the one remaining. Our local feed store sells chicks. Can I buy a few day Olds and sneak them under the mother at night? And will she raise them? Will we have problems with our 1 month old being...
  13. T

    Can old english game bantams tolerate cold

    I have 5 old english game bantam chicks who are about a month old. They're doing great, but I've never raised this type of chicken before so IDK how well they can tolerate the cold. When I take my little blue old english game bantam chick out to mess with her, she shivers. I keep them indoors bc...
  14. Ineke9909

    What age do chicks get their adult feather patterns?

    I have a small flock of Barnevelder chicks around four weeks. One splash, one blue and the rest silver laced. I think two of them are cockerels due to their combs being a little bigger and have red. The feather patterns on them don’t look like what they should be as adults. Is the first batch...
  15. IdealisticRoo

    Things I do after thirty years with chickens

    Howdy BYC-ers! This forum was my social outlet ten years ago when I moved home and returned to chickens from the city. A visit to my posts here reminds me how chicken therapy got me through some rough years. I started raising chickens as a kid and I wanted to share my top things that I...
  16. Chickengal_12

    Belgian d'uccle, Beak problem

    So I have had her for a wile (still a chick) Not much growth. Her beak has started to change. her top beak is curving and is super long and her bottom is growing straight. She cant close her beak and im very worried. Pls HELP!!!:hit🥺
  17. Broncos52

    Chicks not using heating plate.

    Hello, my baby chicks are just a little over 4 weeks old. I noticed when i went out into the garage they were huddled in the corner of the box and not using the plate. They were not chirping and have noticed them again like that tonight (pic attached) its about 50 degrees in there at night...
  18. T

    Adding chicks to mama hen 2 days after hatch

    Hi, Sorry to ask a question straight away but I’ve searched the forum and can’t find anything specifically on this topic. I have a lovely, very maternal Light Sussex who went broody three weeks ago and I snuck 6 Barnvelder eggs under her. She sat on them like a champ but unbeknownst to me...
  19. GlamourGypsy

    How to introduce?

    I am sure there is a post somewhere about this but I couldn't find it. I have 1 adult (1.5 yrs) hen and 2 5wk old chicks. While I am not new to chickens in general I am new to the ins and outs of young to adult introductions. Question being, how and when do I put them together? Right now...
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