
  1. catobsessed

    Cute or Weird?

    Since my girls are molting, I decided to save some of the prettiest feathers in an ornament! Has anyone done anything similar before? The process itself it’s pretty self explanatory-I just picked up some feathers on the ground, carefully put them in a glass ornament, disinfected the outside of...
  2. Casper417

    Anyone who loves to Crochet?

    Is there anyone out there who loves to crochet? Any chicken related crochet items? Please share your pics
  3. 119bowhunter

    How do you Preserve or Clean Feathers that have been Plucked?

    My wife and I just harvested our first rooster, we plucked him. She wants to save some of the feathers we plucked to use for crafts. Can the plucked feathers just dry on their own, or do we need to do something to them? This is a first for both of us. Thanks in advance for the advice!
  4. pigeonflight

    Chicken plush animals

    Made some chicken plush animals the past few days. Started out with a coyote, then I decided to do some chickens. First stab at drafting these patterns: Buff Orpington hen and red bearded Silkie roo. Buff orpington is going to get a revision for the next one. Awaiting the eyes, why they all look...
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