egg abnormalities

  1. S

    Odd eggs - help I can't find the answer

    I'm fairly new to chickens but recently our eggs seemed to have changed. I've spent time on here and elsewhere trying to find the answer but I'm at a loss. Our main flock of 6 hens (1.5yrs) recently grew with an addition of a new roo and two silkie hens. Everything seemed great for a couple...
  2. GingerGremlin

    Weird egg??

    I literally just found this in my chicken run in a pile of poop next to my Easter Eggers, what is it??? I've seen jelly eggs before and fairy eggs and I know what a lash egg is (never had one thankfully) but what is this thing??? It looks like an egg yolk but it was almost rubbery? I'm like 80%...
  3. meditationcheetah

    Odd bumps & a lot of eggs!

    So, today me and my boyfriend went to collect the eggs laid by our 3 hens. We hadn’t collected eggs since Monday, yet there were 11 eggs!! I don't think that's quite abnormal, but then we look at one of the eggs and it had really weird bumps on it that we had never seen before. If anyone knows...
  4. C

    Brown stuff in egg?

    Hi, not sure where exactly to share this post, but I was wondering if anyone has an idea about what this brown stuff is in this egg? I’ve gotten a few like this before.
  5. M

    Half dark half light

    I have an egg that’s half and half. When I move it a small amount moves. Like fluid the size of my pinky but the black blob is almost stuck. Is this a dud?
  6. SolarDuck

    Soft egg binding

    Hey all long time no see, 4 days ago my ducko pipsqueak laid a pretty nasty looking soft shell egg in the pool so I've been giving her daily calcium supplements since, but the next day I noticed it looked like another egg was in her chamber and after feeling it through her it is clearly another...
  7. L

    What in the sam hill am I looking at?

    One of my Golden Comets laid this thing. I have 2 Golden Comets and two new Leghorns. For months now only one of the Golden Comets has been laying, whereas previous they both had been every single day. I wasn't terribly worried, otherwise they both seem quite healthy and I thought one might be...
  8. T

    Sudden change in behavior

    I have an isa brown who lays nearly every day, her eggs are quite often a little weird though. Some are so thin that they crack almost as soon as she lays them, some are completely normal, some have a rough bumpy texture, sometimes the color isn’t evenly distributed on the egg (like the top 1/4...
  9. G

    Giving 2 by my hens Suprelorin Implants (important)

    Hi everyone. I have a vet appointment on Wednesday and I have the option to give two of my hens that have issues a Suprelorin implant. My EE (3 years) that was previously egg bound with a bursted shell less egg. She has been very active and acting very healthy, however still has watery poo...
  10. T

    Abnormal air sac from high humidity - please help.

    Hello hatchers, I am currently on day 16 with a batch of chicken eggs. I candled last night and saw good development and movement in most, but almost every single one had a very small, nonexistent, or abnormally placed air sac. They were shipped, but I let them sit for about 36 hours before...
  11. Starrponies

    Two chickens born last fall just not right any ideas why? What did I do wrong?

    I purchased a silver laced Sussex and a sapphire gem last fall as chicks I took care of them just the way I have any of my other chicks over the years but they were my first fall chicks ever. coming this spring they both produced eggs early and both produced extremely large eggs. the Sapphire...
  12. G

    (EMERGENCY) Hen with broken egg inside body

    I noticed she was lethargic and had a penguin stance. When I picked her up I immediately saw clear egg yolk-mucus goop out of her vent, which looked enlarged. She was quickly declining so I soaked her in epsom salt and tried to feel around for an egg with a lubricated gloved finger. I couldn't...
  13. F

    Weird Egg

    I went outside to collect my eggs this morning and I found this egg. It looks almost like a umbilical cord is attached to the eggs. I’ve never seen anything like it. I cracked the egg and even the yolk had what looks like a cord attached to it. Is my hen sick or is there something wrong? She’s...
  14. L

    5 days of incubation - infertile egg?

    This egg has had 5 days in the incubator, 37.5-38.5*C, trying to keep humidity around 55% though I found it dropped so suddenly overnight a couple times without warning. Photo is before incubation started, video is now (video on youtube as can't attach videos on here directly). Please could...
  15. veetown707

    Pullett shows all signs of laying but only layed two abnormal eggs in a month

    I have a Black Copper Maran Pullett who has been quite the mystery. She layed her first egg about a month ago after at least a week of doing egg songs and wandering in and out of the coop. The egg was fine but the shell was overcalcified. A couple days later, she had a soft shelled egg. Keep in...
  16. M

    Darkish spots on eggs?

    I’ve noticed several of my hens are laying eggs that have some darker spots on them. It almost looks like the marks are inside the shell. I noticed this seemed to start around when the weather got colder. Could it have something to do with condensation maybe? The eggs seem normal when I open...
  17. KLPT

    Deformed Egg??

    Hi guys, I have three jumbo quail hens that I keep in one coop all around 1 year old. They typically lay in the afternoon. This morning I found something really strange that seems to be a deformed egg. It is dark green, seems to have a leathery but also fragile shell. It must be from a hen...
  18. Lauren84

    Laying eggs unusually

    Hello all, On Tuesday when I came home my 8 month old Indian Runner Custard seemed very quiet and still. Not her usual cheeky self. Shortly after this she laid an egg without a proper shell, it had a sort of soft membrane. Now this was unusual because Custard has been laying 2 eggs a day for...
  19. TeriyakiTheChicken

    Chicken skips laying several days, then lays multiple eggs

    I have an Easter Egger, about a year and a half old who has been laying for a while now. She has recently started skipping one or two days of laying and then laying two it three eggs in a day, either all softshell or only one is normal. Some of the time the egg bursts on the way out. She lays...
  20. KathiQuacks

    Soft-shelled eggs, and now a double-yolker. Is this normal?

    Hello! So, I have this Swedish Blue duck that I took in about two weeks ago. She’s around 10 months old, so this is her first time laying. Every single egg she’s laid so far has been small and soft shelled, right up until today where I found a huge, hard, double yolker. I’m confident it’s her...
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