
  1. ElGoose

    Name suggestions for this pretty girl?

    Picked up a girl yesterday as we’d been looking for an adult girl for a while for our gander hissy who’s lost 2 partners in the past (one was taken one was of old age) she’s a lovely buff girl who’s got a lovely temperament, here’s some pics of her on the first day calming down in my lap! I’m...
  2. catx10

    Goose losing balance - due to too many eggs laid?

    We have a one year old female embden goose who has laid around 52+ eggs. She began laying on the 15th of Febuary and is still laying as of the 30th May 2024. In the past few days she has not been well, and keeps losing balance while walking. She walks and stumbles back (even when standing...
  3. M


    My baby is in the ICU for the night!! Doc is not finding much, throwing this out there to see if anyone has experienced anything similar. My 3yr old Sebastopol goose was super lethargic today, did not react when I got close, walked away from me like he was a little drunk/slow/wobbly, both legs...
  4. G

    New and Need help!

    Hi! New and need help! My name is Gemma and I have a very small flock of sweet chickens. We are currently in the process of hatching a gosling egg too but are having some difficulties. We can not see through the shell. No matter what light used. is the shell too thick? The egg smells fresh and...
  5. C

    Advise on my Embden goose breathing heavy…

    Hi, first time posting. I have 2 twelve year old geese, Carmen(beige)and Maria(gray) Carmen has been showing signs of labored breathing only while lying down. She is heavier than Maria who is a Toulouse and also blind. We live in Florida so I think the heat gets to her like the rest of us. They...
  6. S

    HELP NEEDED - recently broody female Chinese will not eat; wasting away

    I have 2 Brown Chinese who are mated and live together since they hatched. Both hatched in February '22 so are just over 2 years old. At year 1 of age, my female laid a few eggs, but unfortunately they were all in *terrible* spots and were so filthy by the time I found them (she hid them well...
  7. jollygreen23

    Splitting up males/females -- Goslings arriving soon!

    We have recently moved and are rebuilding our flock from scratch. Our plan is to have two flocks of chickens, each with a male and female goose for protection. We also want a separate flock of just geese. We've ordered: 5 female goslings, 2 male goslings, and 3 unsexed goslings, plus all of our...
  8. miskyst

    Baby gosling unable to walk or keep its head up

    Hi, I have this gosling hatched yesterday. It hatched the fourth day since the first internal pip. I actually had to help it hatch. The baby has been sleeping and rolling around the brooder ever since it hatched. It is not able to walk or even drag itself by feet like my newborn chicks did...
  9. C

    Hi Everyone! -RomanGeese

    Hi everyone! I recently purchased five Roman Tufted geese. The one baby left “knee” looks swollen and it wobbles when it walks as it cannot fully put its I was told to put a makeshift splint on it and give vitamins daily. Just wanted to know if anyone else had something similar and what else I...
  10. ElGoose

    surprising first clutch! Anybody else?

    So Polly is broody right now, it’s her first time ever going broody and so far we’ve managed to get her out of the shed every day to clean herself and eat and drink which is great! (Also from a previous thread, turns out her preen gland is totally fine thankfully and her bad feathers are...
  11. S

    Abandoned goose egg

    Can you tell if this egg is good or not the light doesn't show well enough when I look at it it looks different than what the camera shows I can't see good enough to tell
  12. adam_b

    Swan goose injury - please help!

    Hi friends! Our 1.5-year old white Chinese goose, Kate appears to have multiple injuries on her bill. Unsure when occurred, noticed today. They seem to have been occurring through a period per the different healing stages. She’s doing well systemically, being herself, but having lost hens...
  13. Goose in the snake room

    Advice for late hatching geese eggs

    I’m currently in lockdown with 2 white Chinese geese on day 32. Before I put them in lockdown I noticed their air pockets were a little smaller than I would have liked to see. Now I’m worried they won’t have enough oxygen from their internal pip to their external. So far no visible movement or...
  14. ElGoose

    Horrible wet feather and possible swollen gland?

    Not really sure what to do, one of our geese has developed horrible wet feather and no matter what we do it just gets worse 😢 I’ve attempted to clean her in the bath today and it looks like the oil gland might be swollen? I’m not really sure, it still feels a bit oily but the wet feather has...
  15. Just Rosie

    Are geese right for me?

    I want to start by saying this idea is in its very early stages. I am not married to the idea of getting geese, but I am interested. I have chickens currently, and have raised ducks in the past. I found the ducks to be incredibly messy, mainly due to their water source, but otherwise, great...
  16. C

    Introducing new ducks/geese to an old goose - Tips?!

    Hi! I am looking for advice on if I should introduce a goose or a duck to our pond to keep an old goose company. I know NOTHING about water fowl. We bought a farm a few years ago with a pond. The pond had 2 geese and 2 ducks on it for YEARS. They’ve been here much longer than us and live self...
  17. BlackRaven27

    2yr Goose w/egg bind behaviour when not laying

    Hopefully this video works. I have a 2 yr old Goose that is suddenly walking as though she has egg bind but she has not started laying this season. She is in a big pen with a gander and 2 other geese. They have pools of water and the gander has just started mating them. She is panting, holding...
  18. M

    Green Poop

    I noticed bright green poop this morning in my chicken run. This is the only one green dropping in the area. I have 4 chickens and a goose currently in this section and everyone is acting normal. What could it be??
  19. K

    Gander stung in head?

    Hi! I went to check on my animals the other day and noticed that my goose had a stinger/thorn stuck out of his “horn” area and was acting weird. There was a ton of swelling on his right side really affecting his eye and crown and horn area. So we got it out and noticed it seemed to go down...
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