
  1. Quacking ducks

    What’s wrong with my duck?

    I have a 5 year old pekin duck. This morning I picked her up and her belly looked really greenish/blue or even kind of a turquoise color. She does have some issues with her belly… it hangs down and drags on the ground. Any idea what’s wrong with her? Thank you
  2. TheBirdBabe

    Duck eggs smell like wet dog?

    Hey y'all! 👋🏻 I have a very weird question. The other day I observed a strong smell as I was collecting eggs. Usually my dogs are with me (typically I blame them), but this morning they weren't. I smelled the strong smell of wet dog. Upon further investigation.. it was my duck eggs! I know...
  3. T

    EE rooster breeding

    I have an EE rooster from Meyer hatchery and it's supposed to breed true when bred with one of their EE hens. I also have some Ameraucana hens and I want to know what the chances are that the resulting hens from the "Ameraucana X EE" cross will lay eggs that are not brown or white. I...
  4. ChickenLeg

    BIG bantam ameraucana egg! Double yolker!

    One of my black bantam ameraucanas laid a big ole double yolker, it was the size of a Grade A Large store bought egg (the white egg is store egg for comparison). It came from either either a 2.5 or 1 year old hen. Couldnt have been fun laying 😬😬😵
  5. A

    Green urate in dropping

    Hi, I have noticed recently one of my quail has started having Green urate caps with its droppings, as pictured. They are kept in a cage and fed game bird layer pellets, with occasional treats of mealworms and white sesame seeds daily. Nothing untoward about both my quail physically, both...
  6. Maddog_photog

    Totally un-important question about duck coloring/heritage

    Not important question - curiosity is the motivator here: my Swedish Blue ducks have some green that comes out in sunlight in the feathers on their head. Does this imply some Cayuga in their family history..? Or do all ducks with dark feathers have this very beautiful coloration?
  7. WatkinsCluckers

    Infected sore

    One of my Silkies had what it looked like to be a wart on her cheek. I didn’t keep tabs on it thinking it would go away on its own. But lately it’s gotten worse and it hasn’t seemed to have gotten better. I will not take her to the vet, but every day I’ve been cleaning it with soap and water...
  8. Shmegel

    Green Urate/Poop Death

    One of my coturnix quail dropped dead out of nowhere- perfect health, she was old, except I noticed green poop around the pen. The urate is green, I think, not the poop itself. Should I be worried about my other quail? What could cause this?
  9. Phantom_k9

    What breed is this hen?

    Hello! We origonally adpoted a bunch of chicks that were hatched for a first grade class, without knowing what breed any of the chicks were. We have sense been able to identify most of our flock, but this sweetheart has stumped us. Habi (short for Habanero), is a somewhat small hen, she is...
  10. Blue and green eggs.jpeg

    Blue and green eggs.jpeg

  11. rascal66

    Bright green poop?

    This evening I went to check up on some of my quarantined Cockerels that I got a while ago. There are 10 of them cozing up in the stall. Tonight I was alarmed to see this really bright green poop? I only feed a high protein crumble (since they are young and still growing out) and water. About...
  12. bateshomesteaddream

    Green Queen EE crowing pullet for sale

    She is a crowing hen so she needs to live where roosters are allowed. We live in SW FL. She is about 23 weeks old. We don't want to re home her but where we live we are not allowed to have roosters & to be kind to our neighbors & not attract a visit from the city we are. We have raised her from...
  13. D

    Mallard with green head at 4 weeks?

    I have 6 mallards that are 4 weeks old today. One of them (Willie) is already developing green feathers on his head. If I’m remembering correctly, my last male mallard (about 10 yrs ago) didn’t start getting green feathers until he was around 3 months old and was molting his first set of brown...
  14. Sire12

    Hen has green diarrhea and lethargic

    One of my hens has been on and off lethargic for about 8 months sometimes she seems depressed and stays on her on at one part of the yard, the past few days though she hasn't been eating much and seems more tired she's barely moving and has started having watery green diarrhea, what could be...
  15. W

    UV Light w/ducks

    Hello all, First year with a duck pond and got the green water issue. Reading online a lot about people using a UV light to sterilize the water and prevent algae from turning the water green. My pond is in full sun(bad I know) and I got about 8-10 ducks. The pond is about 1500 gallons and has...
  16. WAChickens

    Green earlobe?

    I currently have two anconas who appear to each have green earlobes. It’s a minty green so I’m not sure if it’s natural or do they both have an infection? This is the best photo I can get of it
  17. Miriah132

    Green egg layers (olive, avacado, mint, etc)

    Hey y’all! Can I see your green eggs and what crosses you used to get them?
  18. sjango

    Silver Fibro Cross So Cal

    We have a stunning Silver Barred Rooster who is just over three months old. He has resemblance to his Legbar mother, and she lays the most beautiful large blue eggs. I've always loved her for her reliable egg laying. His father is a Birchen Hmong (black skinned) from Fibro Farms and he's a...
  19. Dminuth

    Help with Color Genetics

    Hi all; Long time forum lurker, first time poster ;-) I was hoping for some help with color genetics. I crossed a Crested Cream Legbar roo with an (I'm pretty sure EE, not Ameracauna) hen and in the hopes of reinforcing the blue egg and production genes. I was hoping someone would be able to...
  20. avery2018

    Chicken poop extremely watery, green, and smelly

    My rhode island red hen began having exceptionally watery, green poop. It smells much, much worse than usual and I can smell it from outside and away from the coop. She always goes to the bathroom in the same place, also, but now she's just pooping in the middle of the coop or wherever. She...
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