hatch a chick

  1. Galaxy_rules

    What happened?!

    It’s day 23 for my eggs under Blackberry ( broodie ). Yesterday morning I went to let my chickens out, everyone ( except Blackberry ) came out as usual. I scoped up three cups of pellets for 11 chickens outside, then I scooped a small bit of stage two chick food out for Blackberry ( I usually...
  2. S

    Can I take ready to hatch eggs from hen and move them to incubator?

    I have a few hens sitting on a nest. Four babies have hatched the other chickens killed two and I was able to get to the other two in time but I'm having to check every hour so the chickens don't harm them. Am I able to take the remainder of the eggs and put them in an incubator for them to...
  3. GothCookie

    What's does this mean?

    I have a hen who has been sitting on eggs and when I went to check them by the candling method this is what I saw. Does anyone know what this means? There are two eggs that look like this. Im not sure if there is babies or not.
  4. C

    My baby chick can’t get up

    We just hatched a baby chick in my class, and it seems like one of its legs isn’t working properly, but it’s can still move. The chick was stuck in the egg for about 3 days, but she did get out. It has had a couple good drink of water, but now is peeping because she can’t get up. We think her...
  5. TattooedChickenPapa

    Early Bird Serama

    My little girl Nyx, after maturing and laying eggs for only 2 weeks went SUPER broody to the point where my sweet cuddly girl was trying to nest in shrubs and the neighbors yard to avoid us taking her eggs. So I bought 6 fertilized eggs and am letting her hatch'em😁🙄 This will be the first time...
  6. Galaxy_rules

    March Hatch-A-Long!

    Silkies, Australorps, and maybe some mixes! Come along with me on the journey of Marshmallow and her eggs. I candled them yesterday and five out of seven were developing! There “ due date “ is approximately March 29, so it’s coming up soon! They will all be named my me and my family, and I think...
  7. DovesFlock

    Yet Another Another Hatch-a-long February 2024

    I am back with ANOTHER hatchalong!! This time we have 28 eggs!! Because I put them in kind of later in the afternoon, due to getting the humidity right, if I get at least 2 or more than that I’ll put them in the inc as well. Here’s how it’ll work: - I will give the numbers that’s on each...
  8. K

    How to know good hatching eggs?

    Hey guys I plan to hatch call ducks in the spring and I’ve never hatched eggs before. I wanted to do a practice run and just makes sure my set up and everything is good A friend gave me 24 fertilized eggs and my incubator only holds 12. So is there any signs on which may be better? Does size...
  9. Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

    My first Hatch-a-long!!! Only one egg brooding under pigeon :D Oct, 2023

    Hello, I'm S. Raven!! I had one banty polish egg, and thought it would be funny if I put it under my broody pigeon..... Well it was!!! This egg is very warm right now and tis pigeon who was starving to be a mom was ecstatic that "her" egg had life! She doesn't have a male pigeon counterpart wit...
  10. T

    One out of 2 eggs hatched so far what should I do?

    Hello, I started out incubating 6 silkie eggs but only 2 developed at all. Now only one has hatched and the other hasn’t shown any signs of hatching. My local feed store has some buff orphington chicks but they will probably sell out very soon. Should I go ahead and buy some more chicks or wait...
  11. J

    First time hatcher needing advice

    I've had chickens for the past 7 years, 3 americauna in 2018 and then 4 silkies last year in 2022. (First chicken to pass was one of the americuanas from ascites at 6 years old, we relocated one of our silkies cause 3 out 4 turned out to be roosters, and just last week I lost my precious...
  12. CRH


    Hi guys, I believe my hen is broody. I’m not sure how many eggs she has under her. I’m very scared to candle them because the last time one of my hens went broody she stopped laying on the eggs. This is a different hen though. I want to know if she’s sitting in something or nothing. How can I...
  13. McCluckster

    July 18th (up to 21st) Hatch Along Start! [Ebay Eggs]

    Hello there all! This is a placeholder for when I'll (hopefully) get my eggs! Their expected delivery is anywhere from the 18th to the 21st! I've asked the seller for more blue eggs overall, and they were able to fulfill my request from my knowledge! I have the chance of hatching Ayam Cemani...
  14. F

    Good Egg or A Quitter

    Hi new to chcieknegg hatching. Any thoughts on how this egg looks. Does it still look alive. It’s been about 7-10 days
  15. -Shade-


    I am on day 24 and there is one egg left that has not hatched yet. I candled it a couple of times and it looked like it was in the air cell, but since it wasn't hatching, I made a safety hole early on day 23. This morning, my mom decided that she should have hatched by now, and took the egg out...
  16. Cnjecker

    Incubator Help!

    Hello! On day 14 of our attempt to hatch eggs in a borrowed incubator. We started with 6 eggs and are down to 4 that are alive and showing very promising signs (air cell growth, movement, etc.). The incubator that I have doesnt have a humidity setting so I’ve been guessing. As hatch day was...
  17. AshleyNicole06


    Ducking is moving its beak..and I can hear little peeps.. Hopefully not shrink wrapped as I accidentally knocked the lid off.. Just my luck!!
  18. M

    What is this?

    Hatched a day early due to excessive heat. Outside broody hen birth. 1 born 2 days early was dead before I found it.
  19. C

    Early Lockdown

    So I found a nest of eggs hidden in our coop a couple weeks ago and the temperature here is hot enough to where they were incubating the whole time. They’re in an actual store bought incubator now, but all of the eggs are on different days of development. I also don’t know exactly what day they...
  20. M

    Internet pip but no movement day 22

    Hi All, Is this an internal pip? The air sac also looks misshapen so I’m not sure what is going on. 3 eggs all hatched day 21 but this one isn’t making any progress. No movement or chirping either when I tap on the egg. These were shipped eggs and only 4 of 13 made it to lockdown so something...
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