hatching a chicken

  1. M

    Dead or alive?

    My candler is cheap. But I’m new to the chick hatching game and wanted to see if this was a dud egg or not? It’s black all around? Put them in incubator around the 28th or so of April. If any one has any tips I would love to be a better candler.
  2. U

    Broody leghorn

    Hi, first time having a little flock. I have a very broody leghorn. From what I've read they don't go broody and a not good mothers. She has taken over a nest of fertilised eggs and I've left her to do her thing thinking she might give up after a few days. We are now on day 18 out of 21 so very...
  3. C

    Eggs not getting fertilized?

    I’ve been incubating quite a few eggs from my silkies. We should be on day 15 so far but when candling over 75% show no sign of development. I’m not sure why this would be. I have my one roo in with 6 hens. Is he just not getting the job done? I don’t think it’s an issue with my incubator as all...
  4. TattooedChickenPapa

    First time hatching, hatching with a broody hen instead of incubator.

    Okay, so I have a Serama I gave 6 eggs to (all have survived thus far🎊🥳) and are due this weekend. I. Am. A. Nervous. Wreck. Obviously I have been reading, doing research, watching YouTube videos, and reading threads on here but I'm so happy, and excited, and utterly terrified/worried. I'm so...
  5. Draconic

    Was there a reason?

    So my seven eggs hatched today, but, there was a lot of complications and I'm just wondering why that might have been. They all managed to survive, as of now at least, but this morning they all started to crack out of their eggs, some actually made really large cracks in their shells, and one...
  6. M

    Outcome of frizzle Easter egger X buff Brahma

    What happens when you mix a buff Brahma with a frizzle Easter egg?
  7. Luckyhen006

    Questions about incubator

    Hello there. I just have some questions about my incubator and I was wondering if someone may be able to answer them? ➡This is our incubator, We last used it Spring of 2021, Filled most of the tray with eggs and most hatched with the exception of a few Losses. But anyways, Question #1 Does...
  8. TheLittleDreamFarm

    Chicks Hatched After 25 Days - Don't Give Up!

    First time hatching chicks from our backyard flock and started to give up after day 23 with not a single pip from our 6 eggs. I scoured online to see what went wrong and even opened a couple as suggested. One was formed but wasn't moving at all and one was breathing with its yolk sac still...
  9. hrayb

    Help! Cracked egg at day 18

    Hi! I have a broody hen who has been such a good mom to her eggs and has been sitting on them for almost 3 weeks. This is day 18/19 She left the nest and was sitting on another group of eggs today when we checked. Her current eggs were almost cold. So we moved her back and all was well. I went...
  10. Eden3021

    Eggs didn't turn days 14 - 18

    Hi all! I pulled my eggs out to candle on day 14 (Sunday evening), and didn't notice until just now I didn't plug back in the automatic turner (you have to unplug it to fully remove the lid). How bad is this? What should I expect? *I should specify these are chicken eggs
  11. Abonzo

    Failed hatch after failed hatch? what am i doing wrong?

    So i brought a brinsea incubator. put 10 eggs in it and hatched 10 - this was the first time i used it. I gave it a clean put 24 eggs in Checked viability via candling at day 7 and 14 - fine and they all failed, i had left the auto rotator on untill day 19 so assumed this was the reason for my...
  12. M

    Are these fertilized??

    Hey! I’m new to the incubation process and am trying to figure out if my eggs are fertilized or not. I’ve cracked a few open and think I see “targets” or “bullseyes” but I’m unsure lol so here’s some pictures. Any input is welcome! Thanks!
  13. Goldnmine

    Day 24 and one egg left

    Hello I’m new to hatching chicks (my 1st time ever) I received 3 Easter egger eggs from someone , 3 barred rock, 3 australorp eggs from another person. The 3 barred rock & 3 australorp all hatched day 20-21. Of the 3 EE, 2 failed to develop early (day 7-14) the last one looked promising, but...
  14. E

    Help! 1st time letting mama hatch eggs

    So I have 3 hens that went broody around the same time. I let them each have 3 eggs. Some are definitely going to hatch, hopefully this weekend but not sure how many yet. I ordered a few chicks from our local farm store to have just in case. These mamas deserve babies! They’ve worked so hard...
  15. C

    Day 20 Hatching Chicken Eggs

    Hi all! I am new to hatching and raising chickens. I recently purchased 10 American Bresse eggs from a local hatchery that works with local elementary schools on their embryo projects. I have a Janoel 12 incubator and I purchased some cheap thermometers to measure humidity. So this could have...
  16. Katherine Arts

    Day 25 and pip in egg but no chirping, what should I do???

    Hello, I am hatching eggs and this isn't my first time, however, I have 3 live eggs (I candled them) in my incubator. They were refrigerated for 13 days, but when I candled them I had 3 duds and 3 living eggs. I threw away the duds and continued incubating the living eggs, candled them and they...
  17. S

    Internal pip

    Hi, does this look like internal pipping? I can't see the distinc air cell line anymore. But couldn't see baby moving at the time I took this pic. They are now in lockdown so don't want to open the incubator again.
  18. Chickenma65

    Hatching help

    Hey everyone, baby started hatching around 12:30pm yesterday. So far just the leg is out. We can hear chirping and see movement. Will I need to help it hatch? This is my first time hatching.
  19. Qui1980

    Please help!! Day 21. Movement, but No internal pip. All other have hatched in incu!?

    Hey there! Please advise asap. I got some bantam eggs from a Friends farm, stuck them in incubator. End of Day 20 6 out of 7 eggs have fully hatched. Still no sign of internal pip for the one that is left. There is definitely movement though. Any suggestions?? Thank in advance!
  20. K

    Please help

    Ok, I recently found that one of my dang brood hens laid several eggs in an old feed tub in the barn. Flash forward a few days and my hubby comes inside saying he found a bunch of eggs and the “missing” hen and he moved them back to the coop. BUT when he was moving them he dropped the tub.. a...
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