heavy breathing

  1. slukeplass22

    Hen Can’t Speak Anymore, Breathing Heavy

    My almost 8 Year Old Australorp has been off the last few days. She’s breathing a little bit heavier than normal and can’t speak anymore. When she tries to speak, it ends up sounding like she has a blockage of some sort. Otherwise she acts like the others. She eats, drinks, dirt bathes, etc...
  2. J

    My Hazy Little is breathing heavy, lethargic and has redness on face…

    Found my poor Hazy Little Thing, lethargic and breathing heavy this morning, but she was fine yesterday. Brought her inside and I’m isolating and administering water with electrolytes, ACV, and vitamins. Noticed this redness around her eyes. Can anyone advise what this is and how to treat...
  3. B

    Sick 4 year old hen, purple face and trouble breathing.

    I have a four year old hen who has been sick for the last week and a half. Her face and comb are purple but don't look swollen up and she's breathing very heavily, especially when she's sitting down. She's been acting sluggish but she's still been eating and drinking, although a little less than...
  4. C

    Sick hen, don’t know what’s wrong please help!

    This is Betty. For the past week she’s been lethargic, sitting in the same spot barely moving, her eyes were swollen shut and now the slightly open and cloudy/glossy. Won’t eat or drink on her own, I have to give her water through a dropper. She poops but it’s super liquidy. She recently started...
  5. krissyweso

    *Video Included* Hen Breathing Heavily

    One of my hens, Rootie, an about 10 month old (I think... the woman I got her from 6 months ago is a show breeder and was getting rid of her because she wasn't "show quality" :rolleyes: . She wasn't super sure how old she was.) has been standing funny with her butt and tail up recently. She has...
  6. F

    My rooster may have newcastle disease, please help me, how can i cure him? this disease grow fast overnight, i want to try my best to get rid of it.

    3 days ago my parent bought a hen, my rooster been alone from 6 months we sold his last chicken because of bad financial conditions but honestly he looked depressed and sad without a hen so i told my parent to get a hen for him and they did, that hen was pretty active and my parent checked her...
  7. marissa98

    Wheezing Rooster

    I have a very interesting problem that I thought I would come on here to see if anyone could give any advice. We purchased a group of chicks a year and 3 months ago. Out of that group from that particular feed store, we had many issues, including a chick with a deformed eye and a chick with a...
  8. Beckaryu

    Help please! Air pocket? dropping wings and heavy breathing

    My 14 day old chick has been pooping, drinking and eating well - but it feels like it has a bubble of air on the right side of its neck, breathing heavily and it’s wings are droopy... does anyone have any ideas?
  9. Beckaryu

    Lump on neck - 9 days old with PICTURES

    Hello! I’ve read a few postings on this question but all of them are a little different from my question. my 9 day old chick has a lump on the side of its neck. It’s pecking and eating relatively well but I don’t see it drinking and have been dipping her beak to encourage water intake. It’s a...
  10. Stephoney

    Mystery Hen

    Thank you so much, in advance, for reading this over. I’ve searched all through the forum looking for something that would help explain my hen’s issue. I’ve found bits and pieces, but thought maybe someone had been through something similar. I got my first 4 hens last July. The one in question...
  11. The_Chicken_Dude

    Chicken Constantly Breathing Heavy

    My chicken, about 2 years of age, has been constantly breathing heavily for a few months. I have tried all the home remedies that I can find or think of such as vinegar in her water or diatomaceous earth and wood ash. She is extending her neck often and opening her beak every time she breathes...
  12. M

    Sick duckling, heavy breathing

    Hi, I recently got a couple of call ducklings and one of them is not looking so good. From the first day he was smaller than the rest. the third day I noticed him breathing heavy, opening and closing his mouth with every breath, he was still moving fine though. Now today, the fourth, he can...
  13. sziemba

    Hen, fast decline, lethargic

    I have a 2 year old New Hampshire hen, who this morning laid an egg, and did her egg song for about 20 minutes (10am). I just went out to check on them and she was laying down. I coaxed her up with a Japanese beetle. She then wasn't interested in a second, or any food. I brought her water. No...
  14. LittleBird123

    Chicken with bloated abdomen

    Around a day ago I noticed that one of my chickens has a bloated abdomen beneath her vent that feels like it is full of fluid. She has been having very watery diarrhea and is breathing heavy. Today her abdomen feels a little bigger and she looks painful. She will still eat and drink and her comb...
  15. B

    is my duckling okay?

    i recently got 2 ducklings 5 days ago. the ducklings have been eating and drinking a lot, and i haven’t noticed many problems except one of my ducklings seems to be breathing heavier than the other. he’s still really active and there’s no difference in how much he eats drinks or plays from the...
  16. 5

    Help! My Ducking is breathing heavily with its beak opened

    Hi guys, I need your help! I’m new to ducks but have experience with parrots, so I know signs that show if a bird is sick.. I got 5 ducklings yesterday for my brother from the street and it’s common here in Egypt during our Easter holiday.. I don’t know how old are they but I guess I a week...
  17. WannaBeHillBilly

    White Layer Duck unable to use her legs

    Hi Friends, i just found this evening that one of my White Layers has a huge bumble on her foot that i have failed to see. :oops: The plan was to start with soaking and treatment tomorrow morning as it is already dark outside and getting cold. So i went inside and chopped up ½cabbage for the...
  18. Haleygoss

    Hen possible respiratory illness

    Hi there my frizzle hen (about 2 years old) has not been acting like her normal self for about a week now. She has stopped laying (which isn’t uncommon for her as she is a show breed). She has had heavy breathing and just not been generally active (stays in the coop when all the other hens run...
  19. C

    Rescue duckling

    we just rescued a dumped duckling, roughly 4-5 weeks old. She had a fishing hook stuck in her, which the vet got it. She is on Clavamox as a precaution, but has started panting, even with a fan on her and sounds wheezy. Any ideas on what could be causing it? She is still eating and drinking...
  20. chickentenders

    Sick Rosie needs help

    Our chicken Rosie has been having a rough time of it for the past day or two, and we are trying to figure out what we should be doing to help her. She is having watery, yellowish diarrhea, and has been very lethargic. Her comb has also been kind of deflated looking and darker in color than...
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