
  1. M

    Sour Crop or Something More Serious?

    Hi all, One of our lovely girls has a suspected case of sour crop, but I'm worried it may be something worse. The right side of her chest, where the crop is, is very enlarged to about the size of a tennis ball, I'd say. She is big for a hen and hasn't started laying even though she's about 7...
  2. ourlittlecoop2022

    Please help! Excessive thirst & lethargy in hen

    Hi all, Our 3.5 year old laying hen was acting normally yesterday, but upon coming out of her coop this morning proceeded to drink water for about 10 minutes straight. She would not stop, even when we tried to lure her away with treats. We examined her and found some messy feathers around...
  3. G

    Possible egg bound unsure of diagnosis

    Hen is a 2.5 yr old RIR. Excellent layer and good body weight at baseline. About a week ago she tried to sleep in the egg box would not jump up to roost, then wouldn't jump up into coop (elevated coop, don't use a ladder). These are never issues for her. Isolated her and she's not laying...
  4. NelsonNedLover

    Sticky/Clear Mucus(?) Desperate

    Hi all, I have a 5-year-old Bantam rooster who has been sick for about a month now. He had been doing this gagging/regurgitating motion and acting lethargic. He was treated by a vet for a bacterial crop infection and given antibiotics. After a week, he was cured of this infection. Although he...
  5. chopin_the_quail

    Quail breathing through his mouth (sick?)

    Hello! Looking out for my buddy of almost three years, our Coturnix quail has been breathing through his mouth all day. I don't think I've seen this before, but maybe I haven't looked closely enough? He has always been extremely calm little sleepy boy, so I don't think it's super weird, but he...
  6. Farmgirl805

    Ear infections?

    Hi friends, I have at least 3 hens with ears that look like this (see photos). At least one is warm to the touch. There’s no puss (yet) but there is slight swelling I think with my EE here. I do not have a vet for chickens. Not sure what I’m dealing with and what to do. Can anyone help? Thanks!
  7. D

    Sudden death of two chicks?

    Hey all, This is our third time getting chicks and have never experienced anything like this. We got new chicks last Friday, a couple of days ago we separated a chick out because her toe was bent out and we needed to splint it until it had time to heal (the other chicks wouldn't leave the...
  8. Sarahh_Janeyy

    Sudden lameness, obvious distress

    Yesterday morning I found my 3.5 year old hen on the bottom of the coop. When I looked at the camera footage, I saw she had been there since 3 or 4 am. I brought her inside. I was able to bring her to the vet in the morning, where she suddenly decided to stand, much to my surprise. Her air sacs...
  9. Emrosenagel

    Chicken doesn’t have a lot of food in crop at night

    Hello! I have a pair of 7mo Blue Andalusians and a broody Cochin who I’m not concerned about. Now, Rachel - one of my blues - I’ve noticed doesn’t have a very full crop at night. I noticed this weeks ago, but didn’t think too much of it. It isn’t empty, and I do see her eat (if not as...
  10. Kerya

    Duck foot injury / illness, need advice

    Recently the humidity has been harder to control in my duck house than usual, and now my boys feet don’t look good. I’m assuming the humidity + cold has done it, or helped do it ? I don’t fully believe it’s bumble foot as some of these cut like things have a scaly / ridged sort of texture. I...
  11. S

    Old Chicken 7 Years Old Curling Feathers?

    Hi, so I don’t know if anyone has ever seen this before but if so I’m wondering what could be causing it. My oldest hen, Olivia has had some of her feathers curl around her “shoulders” area it first started only a little bit a year ago, but ever since she last molted this fall they are extremely...
  12. Fallenone05

    Injury or cooties?

    Today I noticed my little Queen walking sideways. At first I thought she was about to sprawl out in the sun but I noticed her eye is very wet. She isn't displaying any sneezing or sniffles, is walking around fine, but her eye is SUPER wet. Trying to get a good still image of her one handed was...
  13. A

    Gander throwing up!

    Hi my 2yr old gander throws up clear liquid once or twice a day it’s been happening for the last week with no obvious cause, sometimes it’s more liquid and sometimes it’s like egg whites but he’s fine in himself still eating and pooing still walking around fine and still his sassy self, I’ve...
  14. K

    Must Have Items for your Flock

    Hi Everyone!! As a fairly new chicken mom I’ve come across various bumps along the road. As these bump come along I’ve acquired a small kit of remedies (tylan, metronidazole, Vetrx) but I’m wondering what are your must haves to keep on hand at all times in case of an emergency? I’m trying to...
  15. F

    Sick hen, worried about flock

    One of my silkie hens started acting lethargic two days ago. Yesterday, we found her with yellow crust completely over both eyes, yellow nasal discharge, and her feathers felt stiff/clumpy/greasy. She did not make it through the night. I am worried about the rest of my flock. I have 9 other...
  16. Jayneehartland

    Adult drake with wry neck?

    We noticed our beautiful Cayuga drake, Bling, wasn't acting like himself about 20 days ago. He would be hiding off by himself and wasn't accepting treats. We separated him so he wouldn't get picked on and started tube-feeding him. He turned around in a couple of days and got his appetite back...
  17. H

    Please Help!! 3 Month Old Polish Chicken Lethargic. Could This Be Coccidiosis?

    Hello everyone, this morning when I went to let out my chickens one of my young three-month-old Polish hens was lethargic, struggling/stumbling to walk, struggling to keep her head raised up, and refusing to eat or drink. Her tail is kinda in a hunched-over tuck position. She is still making...
  18. N

    My ducks are breathing heavily sometimes

    Hi guys...I have one magpie and one Pekin 7 months drakes..the magpie duck sometimes breath heavily..u can hear his breathing sometimes..I provided them enough water to dunk their head into it and I checked his nostrils and they seems fine with no Is this normal to hear his...
  19. B

    Rooster Not Walking

    Hi everyone, so I have a Rhode Island Red Rooster that is 9 years. I know lifespan is around 8yrs but hes well tended. My chickens are in a large area that has straw on the ground, they are fed scratch grain and fresh water daily. My rooster has been laying one wing to the ground and going...
  20. I

    Chick is sick, listlessness and liquid stool

    I'm sorry if I'm not following the proper protocols of this website but here's the history. I bought 3 chicks 2.5 weeks ago. First one of them got sick, similar symptoms, diarrhea and listlessness. Stopped eating. Then the other one got sick. Also had diarrhea and listlessness. Now this one is...
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