
  1. Exspiravit

    Injured rooster, how to treat his wounds?

    Hey, so basically my cockerel got into a fight with the big rooster and he's sustained quite a few injuries, any recommendations on how best to treat him? he's been really low energy.
  2. A

    Chicken can't stand/walk + one leg doesn't move

    I've got a problem with one of my chickens who can't stand or walk. It has been a few days ago since this has happened, I don't remember when but I found her on the ground, laying on one side. She seemed very agitated. At first, I thought she got into a fight with another hen. After giving her...
  3. Goose in the snake room

    HELP! Gosling with Infected feather follicle?

    I feel like my goslings are falling apart with my frequent post. But today I noticed my 7 week old Chinese gosling’s wing was red and swollen. Last week I treated him for Angel wing and this was not present at the time, and I haven’t noticed it until now so I believe this is new. The feathers...
  4. horselove

    When to treat subcutaneous emphysema (ruptured air sac) in wild finch?

    Yesterday I found a finch (adult female) unable to properly fly but otherwise appearing healthy, I kept her on the porch for safety and monitoring, and this morning she had a large air bubble, approximately the size of her skull, on the back left of her neck. This evening the bubble had expanded...
  5. H

    Missing eye

    Hi all! Just woke up to find my girl looking like this! Is she missing an eye? I’m so upset I feel so awful. She’s seems fine otherwise, eating, drinking, running around. I have separated her from the others but am worried this will stress her out as she has two buddies she has a strong bond...
  6. 1

    Injured Duck, Need Help

    I came across my duck laying down, barely able to move this morning. He is unable to stand or move much and it appears that he is unable to open his bill on his own. He has been cheeping constantly. I do not see any physical injures but am new to ducks. I did check the band on his leg but it’s...
  7. M

    Duckling with messed up foot

    We took in this week old duckling. His foot is badly curled under. We can't get it to flatten out enough to do a boot. Any ideas how to help? He gets around good but his toes are bent and he's walking on them bent.
  8. abbly2

    What to do!!

    I have seperated my girl. Pretty sure my others started pecking or eating her vent😬 This is a pic of her about 30 mins ago, it looks like shes trying to poop. But i may be wrong Just need any advice on helping her.
  9. T

    Injured hen

    Hi all. A dog came into the yard and got hold of my chicken. Please see pic. Should I try and treat it, or rather put her out of her misery? She is eating and moving about, but looking miserable.
  10. I

    My 7 month old Cockerel Cuckoo Maran Comb Black

    His comb has a strange black thing on some of the tips, I’m not sure what it is. It is very cold outside, but he is a cold hardy breed, so I am not sure.
  11. DovesFlock

    Weird open bump on chickens beak?

    I’m not really sure what this is or how to fix it but any suggestions? It’s some hard white thing in the middle of her nostrils and has idk possibly dirt or something black in it. Is she ok?
  12. Sugarcoop

    Rooster’s feet/spurs bleeding, don’t know what to do!

    My one and a half year old rooster has a bleeding foot, and I’m unsure about whether it’s coming from the spur or a wound on the leg itself. He lives in a spacious coop with 5 hens, and acts/looks completely normal and healthy. However, his feet do bleed pretty often (around once every 2 months...
  13. S

    Free $1400 Omlet Chicken Coop & 2 Hens - Southern California

    I am in Southern California. We have an Omlet chicken chicken coop we bought a year and a half ago with an electric door. We paid $1,400 for it and we want to give it away as long as you can take our 2 chickens and give them a good home. Our daughters will be so sad about this, but we are not...
  14. dialuann

    Chicken that can work wings and everything else can’t walk.

    This is about my hen, whom I posted an older thread about: Chicken that can work wings and everything else can’t walk. She tries to pull herself upward to stand, and is successful in that...
  15. A

    Pekin dragging its feet

    I have about a 1 year old pekin. He hasn’t had any issues until the last week when he started dragging his feet. He’s fine with walking some but will just need to sit down and rest. I occasionally will find him walking fine but it looks like he’s dragging his feet when he walks. No swelling or...
  16. McCluckster

    Duck not eating, appears weak and "tired"

    Hello there! I have this small Indian runner duck, who we call Mama duck, who is the survivor of a predator attack that took her leg. We've been helping her since she's lost her leg, and she does a pretty dang good job at getting around. Recently, however, she has seem less interested in food...
  17. I

    Something is wrong with my Chicken

    This morning I discovered my Silkie rooster limping. Yesterday they had crossed over to my neighbors land and some of my birds (which ones I'm not sure) got attacked by a goose they had. I'm not sure if my rooster was attacked buy he is limping really weirdly. Can anyone tell me what I need to...
  18. ColonelMustard

    Help! Vent gleet or something else? (Pic attached)

    Looks darker than the pictures I’ve seen of discharge from vent gleet. Noticed she was separated from the flock and had no energy to eat. She seemed very disoriented and had trouble standing for a moment when I put her back down. She is currently separated in a dog crate with food and water.
  19. W

    Purple Comb

    My Black Copper Marran has become lethargic; his comb is purple and bleeding in some areas. The temp has not gotten below 39 degrees Fahrenheit, so I am unsure if it is frostbite. It has always gone through stages where it would get a little bit of purple when he gets excited or stressed, but...
  20. Wandering_r0gue

    A Little Morning Victory Dance

    With my latest hatch: here's the details... Last chick to hatch was about 4 days behind the first, and needed help. I essentially did an egg cesarean. Now, I may have caused the problem, but was worried it wasn't going to be able to hatch on its own. Things didn't look great... it was still...
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