
  1. Schungjohnson

    Eglu Pro extra large coop

    My eglu pro extra large chicken coop will be arriving at the end of Feb!!! I can't wait! My chicks won't be going out soon, as they are just about 2 weeks old, but their coop will be prepared and ready for them when we start to introduce them outside at 5-6 weeks, and then hopefully fully...
  2. S

    Free $1400 Omlet Chicken Coop & 2 Hens - Southern California

    I am in Southern California. We have an Omlet chicken chicken coop we bought a year and a half ago with an electric door. We paid $1,400 for it and we want to give it away as long as you can take our 2 chickens and give them a good home. Our daughters will be so sad about this, but we are not...
  3. C

    Looking to buy an OMLET EGLU (any size) in the San Diego/Riverside/Orange County/Los Angeles area

    Hello, I'm looking to purchase an omlet eglu any size for four new chicks I just acquired. If anyone is looking to get rid of their set up please let me know. I appreciate you for thinking about me. Warmly CluckMamaSD
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