
  1. movick

    Japanese rice fish (Oryzias latipes)

    Pure wild forms: 1) 2) Breed forms: 1) 2)...
  2. BReeder!

    New ways to preserve eggs?

    We are getting an average of 5 chicken eggs and 10 quail eggs per day. Or family of 3 cannot consume the eggs fast enough. I am looking to preserve a fair amount for the winter months if possible. Right now we are just giving away extras by the dozens. The neighbors and relatives love getting...
  3. C

    Molted Java Chicks

    ISO a few molted java chicks, straight-run is fine. No rush, just want to get my name on a list to get some. Love this breed and want to help preserve quality lines! I am located in Indiana so would probably be shipping unless you are in State. Thank you!
  4. 119bowhunter

    How do you Preserve or Clean Feathers that have been Plucked?

    My wife and I just harvested our first rooster, we plucked him. She wants to save some of the feathers we plucked to use for crafts. Can the plucked feathers just dry on their own, or do we need to do something to them? This is a first for both of us. Thanks in advance for the advice!
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