
  1. Greystone farm

    Starving hen with mass in abdomen

    My hen, Rhody, has a hard and distended abdomen. My vet checked her out shortly afterwards and prescribed her some meds. A few days later, I left to vacation at my cottage and left some reliable family taking care of Rhody. Unfortunately, she has stopped eating and drinking and has become very...
  2. Barredrocker99

    White Leghorn laying soft shell eggs and has very swollen vent.

    I need help :( over the last two or so days I’ve noticed my White Leghorns wings have been drooping and she keeps falling asleep in the middle of the day, and just overall doesn’t look great. I’ve been finding one egg nearly everyday that doesn’t have a hard shell… I’d say for probably the last...
  3. J

    Mid December egg count.

    Kept a count of eggs from my layers this (Dec 12-18). All the birds are less than a year old. I have 2 breeds of ducks and 4 breeds of chickens. All my birds forage freely on my 5 acres during the day except my Rhode Island Reds who have a run. Best layers were my Welsh Harlequin ducks. I have...
  4. C

    I think I’ve just about identified all of our new additions, but still looking for a couple IDs

    We added 6 more chicks to our flock earlier in the spring and know most of their breeds and genders, but are still questioning a few. here’s a video of them today: Mostly I’m wondering about 3 of them: For the 1st chicken in the video, Priscilla - the buff chicken with the lovely hair, we...
  5. OrlandoMama

    My 13week pullet is sitting in nesting boxes. Will she be an early layer?

    I’ll be honest this is my first personal flock, but I’ve help raise chickens plenty of times with my parents for eggs and meat. I wasn’t expecting any eggs or laying behaviors for at least a month or so but one of my Rhode Island Reds started sitting in the nesting boxes. Also her comb and...
  6. sammirae09

    Introducing year old hens to a younger flock

    I was able to get 6 one year old hens. 5 RIRs and 1 black Maran. My current flock is 4ish months old. With them being older do I have to wait awhile to fully introduce them? They already lay eggs of course so I don’t want to have to keep them in the smaller outdoor pen for too long. They are...
  7. L

    Lizzy and her flock.

    Hi, thank you for accepting me into y'all's flock. I am 39, have a wonderful hubby and 2 kiddos. We recently had a "neighborhood" been today and hatch 🐣 2 chicks. She stayed with them till about 5-6 weeks and then left with a new rooster 🐓 (there was like 5 different rooster roaming). I had been...
  8. sammirae09

    Rhode Island Red chicks

    My chicks are about 4-5 weeks old. One whom I have a feeling is a roo. He has been making movements like trying to crow. Do they practice crowing before they can actually make the sound? This is my first roo.
  9. chickmamat

    Ascites / chicken still draining hours later??

    3yo RIR. After lots of research realized it was ascites. She’s been in fine spirits but I noticed her breathing heavily last week, have been keeping a close eye. I picked her up 4-5 days ago and realized her abdomen was full of fluid and felt like an overfilled water baloon. We do not have the...
  10. C

    Crossing different breeds.

    Ok, I have two roosters, a Red Phoenix and a Rhode Island Red(I keep them in separate coops). I also have 3 hens, two RIR x SLW, and one California White. I was wondering what I would get by crossing some of these breeds. Like what would I get if I crossed the RP x CW? Or the RP x (RIR x SLW)?
  11. CarmineStreet

    Black Australorp, BA x RIR (or RIR x BA) ?

    Hi! I'm new to chickening and to this community. And I'm glad to be here. 😊 To the BA and RIR eggsperts here, could you tell me if any of these nearly 4-wk old chicks are pure BAs? I'm asking because I'm doubting that the breeder sold me pure BAs. Seeing brown or gold gold features/spots on...
  12. C

    Chicken not laying eggs.

    About 4 months ago I got two RIR x SLW pullets.They were 5 months old when I got them.So this makes them 9 months old and they still haven't layed any eggs.I feed them egg layer pellets and a little bit of grower feed, and still.... no eggs?!?!? What should I do...
  13. HorsesRMe123

    Different Chicken Egg Colour: Is This Healthy and Normal?

    My RIRs usually produce a nice reddish brown colour. But today I collected the eggs and found a really dull coloured egg. It’s still the same size as normal. I’m hoping that my RIR is healthy. Does egg colour difference mean they may be unhealthy?
  14. T

    Breed RIR with ?

    I met an older woman at the feed store and she spent an hour telling me all the things I should ever need to know about homesteading. She said to breed a RIR with another bird to create the best meat birds, but after an hour of talking with her I completely forgot what breed she suggested. 😕...
  15. topochico225

    Concerned about possible liver failure

    Hi, I had an 8 month RIR hen die in January of fatty liver hemorrhagic syndrome. It was a very sudden death, and I noticed a few days before her death that the back of her comb turned almost transparent in about a 0.5in x 0.5in area. I'm now seeing my other surviving 9 month RIR hen having the...
  16. HopyardJubilee

    Crossing Cornish X with RIR?

    I have been raising chickens for about a year now, it is quickly becoming my main source of income. This year I will be raising Cornish X to sell as ready-to-process live birds. I have a decent stock of RIR laying age hens (about 25-30 hens) and I was wondering what kind of outcomes I would...
  17. chickmamat

    Emaciated hen. EYP, IMPACTED crop. Impacted Gizzard.

    3 yo RIR. Has been “off” for over a year. Goes through cycles of lethargy. Hasn’t laid in quite some time. Smallest in the flock, bottom of the pecking order. Has had sour crop before (3 months ago) and I was able to alleviate it by regurgitation. She immediately perked up, resumed normal...
  18. Barredrocker99

    All of my hens have stopped laying eggs?

    I have 10 hens, and they’re about 7 months old. I was getting eggs from just about all of them daily, and for the last few days they’ve all just stopped laying. I’ve gotten about four eggs total in the last four days. It’s definitely getting colder here, could that be the reason, or is it...
  19. Backyard Necropsy - Eggbound RiR - GRAPHIC images

    Backyard Necropsy - Eggbound RiR - GRAPHIC images

    She was almost 6 months old. Anomalies in first 3 weeks of daily egg laying included: less than 25 hrs between laying, double lash eggs on the poo board, and a few large Double Yolks - the last with heavy shell and uneven calcium on surface, after eating a lot of pumpkin. Most eggs however...
  20. Pullet vocal development

    Pullet vocal development

    7 contented pullets sing a little with Mama after a snack. Week 19- 20.
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