swollen abdomen

  1. TurGoosen

    HELP!? Gosling with a swollen stomach

    I have a pair of goslings around a week and a half old. One is very large, constantly running around and eating. The other about half its size and seems sluggish and unsteady on its feet in comparison with what seems to me to be a visibly swollen stomach which is hard to the touch. Both are...
  2. seven possums

    Balloon butt after hen quit laying, EYP?

    Venus is a guesstimated 2.5y/o australorp, 3 flockmates - 2 leghorns, Magnolia & Sarge, and another 'lorp, Elvira. She's not laying, suspect a repro issue that has led to EYP - swollen, bruised-looking belly has drained off 3x, different fluid every time. Venus has always been broody and plucks...
  3. SonjaS

    Swollen abdomen, soft. Not laying eggs.

    Audrey is 7 or 8 years old and has a soft swollen abdomen. She sits in the nest box for the normal time and then goes about her business as usual but no egg has come. She seems perfectly fine otherwise. No pasty butt and poop seems normal (see pic) Free range, acts normal during the day, perches...
  4. G

    Chicken has Coelomic distention (important)

    Vet diagnosed 3.5 year old buff cochin with coelomic distention. She has no fluid in her stomach but instead might have a reproductive disease/cancer. We were prescribed antibiotics that we give 1/2 of a pill 2 times a day. She has not started to lay eggs again since fall. Her belly is not super...
  5. sixxchixx

    Heavy breathing, won’t stand (DAY 4)

    Hello, I have a 2ish year old EE who has been ill since Saturday (today is Tuesday). We noticed she wasn’t really walking around or eager to free range with the other 3 hens in my backyard flock. I suspected eggbound. I bathed her, dried her and placed her in a small cage in my kitchen to keep...
  6. R

    Swollen butt area

    I need help trying to figure out what condition my chicken has so I can research and hopefully find some remedy. I’ve tried to describe what I see but I’m just not finding something similar. She hasn’t been laying eggs, she did like 2-3 months ago. Her butt area seems like she is about to lay an...
  7. C

    What is wrong with this poor little guy? 😞

    This little guy has had this since he was a hatchling and I’m lost as to what to do for him. He seems healthy and active like the rest, but has this super big belly that looks like a testicle 🫣🤦🏻‍♀️ I worry it will pop or something 😳 Either way it cannot be healthy.
  8. Mariakoltsa

    Lincospectin 100 dosage? Omphalitis

    hello ! Quick question as its already too late probably. Baby chick assisted hatched. About 5 days old now. Had a swollen belly i thought might have been normal from the yolk sack. went a bit smaller but one half of her belly still swollen plus the dried belly 'cord' stump still attached. she...
  9. H

    Skin irritation and swelling

    what is this & what should I do? -She is about 5-6 days old -the area is red and swollen/has a lump but not hot -she’s eating, drinking, and active I’m a 1st time chicken mama and I bought 3 Rhode Island Reds and 2 “Rainbows” (this one being a “rainbow”) from tractor supply 3 days ago...
  10. O

    Help! Chick with large abdomen?

    I have a week old splash laced Wyandotte and she has a very distended belly that is rock hard. She is active and eager to eat and otherwise normal. My theory is constipation. She doesn’t have pasty butt and doesn't seem to be mushy chick. Poo details: She has normal size little healthy...
  11. A

    What’s wrong with my Hen?????

    Hi my hen is a Rhode Island Red and is only just over a year old. Yesterday she stood around the garden and wouldn’t move but I didn’t think much of it. She usually has a problem laying every so often because she lays double yolks and is always fine. But today was worse. She has stood in the...
  12. K

    Ascites disappearing?!

    Hen in question is 2 years old, isa brown. Otherwise healthy, eating drinking fine. For several months my hen has had fluid accumulating in her abdomen. I got the vet to drain it and the fluid was a dark green, but not chunky. With the fluid removed I was able to feel a mass, about the size of...
  13. srose0116

    Swollen “Belly”

    Hello everyone! My female welsh harlequin, Sugar, has been looking a bit puffy lately. I noticed it earlier in the week, but lately she’s been walking a little slower/wobbling. My friend also saw her stumble a little yesterday, but she might have just been tripping over the grass or something. I...
  14. R

    Golden Buff with sagging Abdomen or 'Fluff' area looking painful / inflamed. What to do?

    Hello, We have a 2 yr old Golden Buff who is acting quite normal but in the last 4 weeks has laid 2 'soggy' eggs. (They did have a very light coating of calcium but largly 'soft'). She is acting quite normal, but have noticed in the last 2 months her bottom looks 'dirty' like it is dragging...
  15. CalBickieMomma

    Hen with swollen abdomen, labored breathing, but otherwise acting fine…

    Hello chicken people! It’s been a while since I posted on here, but alas, I once again have a chicken health issue. I have a Rhode Island Red hen, 2 years old, with some issues. Her abdomen is swollen and is a little on the firm side (it isn’t hard, but not super squishy - I can gently poke at...
  16. Grey Gables

    Water belly? 1.5 Y/O Hen - Advice Please!

    Hello - hoping to get some advice. I have a 1.5 year old Easter Egger who has had a swollen abdomen since Saturday (at least that's when I discovered it). I immediately knew something was up, as she didn't exit the run with the other chickens that morning. She is my most skittish chicken and...
  17. Emak2323

    Growth on leg, swollen abdomen, waddling

    Hello - I have a 1+ year old chicken who looks to have grown a spur like growth on one of her legs. She’s been slightly limping for the past couple months and I thought it was due to this. She tries desperately to stay away from me. She’s starting to really slow down now so I caught her the...
  18. S

    Rock hard abdomen + Previous crop protrusion/nodule (not impaction) that disappeared

    Hi. Hopefully I can add pictures further down in this thread via my phone. This will be a little long for the sake of being thorough. Some basic background on our girl with the issue: - 3 year old Barred Rock - Great layer until this year - Purchased from TS (only purchasing from breeders...
  19. Fluffy_Feathers

    Hen's enlarged abdomen went away on it's own, then came back a few months later

    My hen, Dora, is a 4 year old Road Island Red. Towards the end of last year, maybe October/November-ish I found her in the nest box when I went to lock them up for the night. Her abdomen felt noticeably enlarged; not huge, but I could cusp my whole hand around it. It felt squishy, like fluid. My...
  20. kfsilver

    Chicken with swollen but SOFT belly

    I have a hen who has been the one who runs up to me, demanding that I carry her around, talking to her, as I examine the pasture. She is the one who will run to me when she has a feather out of place, and bawk at me until I fix it. She is feeling down, and I am worried. I love her. The facts...
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