water belly

  1. HansElvis4ever

    Lost 2 roosters within 2 days...HELP!

    Hi! First time chicken owner here - however; we have been just that for over a year and a half now. Everything has been great thus far. It all started when Drew (my fiancé) finding a Cornish Cross (meat bird) that had fallen off a truck. Long story short, we decided to take him in and care for...
  2. P

    Please Help!!

    Hi ladies and gents. I am brand new here. Need immediate help with my almost 2 year old white leghorn hen. It’s been almost 72 hours since we noticed symptoms. She can’t stand well, when she tries she uses her wing as a crutch then falls down and stays there. Not eating and drinking. No eggs and...
  3. saving grace

    Broody Hen with Water Belly

    Hey, so I noticed yesterday when candling the eggs beneath my EE hen that she had a large bulge near her breast. After doing some research, I'm pretty sure it's water belly (could it be anything else?) which is obviously very unfortunate. :( She's been acting completely normal for a broody...
  4. P

    Difficulty of draining water belly / ascites?

    Hi all, I have my second elderly hen that is definitely showing signs of water belly / ascites. Shape and feel of a water balloon on her abdomen, showing lethargy, gasping for air. I've put her in her own little coop and she is doing a bit better with the restricted activity. I know this won't...
  5. periwinkleclouds

    Ascites in older hen still refusing to stand up or eat

    Hello friends! I'm a bit in distress here and would appreciate any advice from more seasoned poultry caretakers. I've raised chickens since I was a little girl but I've never had something like this happen. I have a 6 y/o Golden Star (her name is Applesauce) that's past her years of laying...
  6. M

    Lethargic Sick Chicken - help!

    I have a 3 year old buff Orpington that we noticed had been a very swollen abdomen around the date of the 15th of March. Thinking she was possibly egg bound, we gave her an epsom salt bath but no change the next couple days. I then looked into the symptoms of water-belly. We ended up draining...
  7. sparklez

    Is this water belly? Strange bald swollen abdomen and crop in young hen

    I have a 10 month old hen who as far as I can tell is acting normal and comfortable (tail up, color in comb, eating, walking, trotting with the flock when let to free range) over the last 5 or so days I noticed poop building up on her so today after she free ranged for almost 3 hours I soaked...
  8. Flutterbudget

    Is this water belly or is my Pekin just fat?

    Hi all! This is Missy and she’s around 2 years old. She seems to have almost gotten as big as her male! I’ve held her up and palpated her stomach it doesn’t feel tight or overly bloated at all it’s just nice and soft, I cannot feel an egg. I was just wondering if anyone thinks it’s just a fat...
  9. Y

    Please help! Is a lump of squishy fat behind her legs and green liquid beside her poop a symptom of water belly??

    Please help! This has been happening for awhile now, but the green liquid issue is becoming more often and I don’t know why. She eats a good duck feed and has chicken or salmon everyday, so there’s unlikely to be anything wrong with her diet.
  10. C

    Help! Water belly/Ascites

    I have a white leghorn chicken who has water belly/ascites. This is my first time dealing with this so, people who have experience with this, how much fluid do you usually take out at each time or per day? Can you take out fluid more than once per day? We’ve taken out 120 ml but she hasn’t...
  11. G

    Can anyone help with my duck?

    For the past couple of days we’ve noticed that our female duck, BeeBee has got a low belly but there has been no change in her behaviour, she’s still running and swimming and drinking like normal, she still comes running when she sees us come out into the garden, I have read up on Ascites and...
  12. Heres2U_MrsR

    Stumped - clear fluid, ascites?

    I am clueless as to what’s next with this hen! Who - Three year old Golden Buff from Meyer. She’s fed organic layer feed, oats once a week as a treat(very small amount), and leftover veggies as I have them. I’ve learned the hard way to limit treats. What - slightly lethargic, hiding out...
  13. Jstaz

    Help needed! Multiple chicken issues…

    Suggestions needed. Found my chicken out in the yard. Not really eating or drinking. Lethargic not moving around much. Found the abdomen to be swollen and figured it was water belly or egg bound. Check the vent there’s no egg I’ve dealt with water belly before drained everything with no issue...
  14. LizzzyJo

    My Orpington has gout and water belly - what should I do?

    She is 5 years old and has had water belly for about 2 years. She has now developed gout on her foot and is walking with a limp. She still plays with the other girls, but lays down a lot. Is there anything I can do? Any guesses on the progression of this or how much time she has?
  15. chocluver


    Hello, I returned from a few days a way to a hen waddling and after checking I am pretty sure she has ascites / water belly. Swollen and squishy, comb very dark. Eating but fussy, running when treats come. No feathers on her belly but she has been like that for over a year. She is 2.5 years old...
  16. K

    What's wrong with my Lacey Lady?

    Hi, I am new to chickens. I have a hen that isn't behaving normally. She is waddling - keeping her back end low. I have soaked her a few times and given her calcium. Her poop is loose and watery. She isn't eating or drinking much. I have been keeping her isolated. She has been like this...
  17. E

    Anything contagious that presents as either salpingitis or water belly/ascites?

    Hello, I have unfortunately lost 2 of my ex-battery girls quite close together, and have another 2 hens I am concerned about. I’m pretty sure one of the deceased had salpingitis as I found a lash egg not long ago and one of the ones I am worried about now may have water belly as she is starting...
  18. L

    Water Belly or Oviduct Issue?

    Hi All, I would greatly appreciate any guidance on how to diagnose my hen's health issue properly. I noticed yesterday my one-year old barred rock was fighting with another hen (welsummer) while they were free-ranging yesterday, which is very unusual. The welsummer has mild bumblefoot which I...
  19. C

    My hen has ascites in her belly. Everything I’m reading says she will need to be euthanized, that there is no treatment. Has anyone had success?

    My hen has ascites in her belly. Everything I’m reading says she will need to be euthanized, that there is no treatment. Has anyone had success treating their hen with this? She’s less than 2 years old and I want to help her if I can.
  20. 1

    Hen Sick- Thinking Ascites/Water Belly

    Okay to keep things brief, I have an old hen (lays rarely) who had a sister we put down to to ascites, and this hen is acting similar. She has the weird pose, isn't moving or walking much, stands up but struggles to, and will only eat wet feed (out of yogurt so I didn't try that). However...
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