
  1. Forkicks

    First Time For Chicken Having Worms

    Hello! Today I noticed my hen, Peanut, was acting off. Later on that day as I was checking her over she layed a nice dropping at my feet and I saw it moving! After looking it over a bit more, these very tiny white worms were in it. I went to my local tractor supply thinking I could find a...
  2. L


    We’ve had our chickens about 2 weeks and I noticed worms yesterday from someone’s poop. We ordered dewormer, which is going to take a few days to get here. Are there any specific suggestions of what type of dewormer to use? Should we stop eating the eggs for the time being? We’ve never had worms...
  3. Emrosenagel

    Are my chicks too young to deworm?

    Hello! About a month and a half ago I had to deworm my older birds (they had a mild case of roundworm). My four chicks were way too young at the time, but now I’m worried they might have roundworm now after being outside. They are 7 1/2 weeks old Jersey giants. The only thing I noticed wrong...
  4. U

    worms in 1 month old bantam chicks please help me save them (warning: pictures)

    Hi everyone, I have 3 bantam chicks, they born 1 month ago, they were 4 but one of them died three days ago, and I discovered a heavy infestation of worms in her little intestines, now I know all of them have it (the parents and 3 chicks remaining) because I saw in their droppings eggs or...
  5. J


    Any idea what this is? It was found on the coop floor. Thanks!
  6. K

    Unsure what’s up with our hen…

    Hey all!! I made a post a little while back about my hen having worms. We treated for worms and she seemed to be getting better!! We did the dose each day for 5 days and then we did one more at the 14 day mark just to make sure we got everything. Worms were never present in poo. Now she is...
  7. KristinKH

    Are these worms or something else?

    I got these from the back end of a 2 year old Whiting True Blue. She's been acting off the last few days - sleeping apart from the rest of the flock, slow to come out of the coop in the mornings and slow to come for food and treats, and a very messy back end. Are these worms or something else...
  8. Birdgrl1221

    Chickens randomly dying

    Hi everyone, this is my first flock so please take it easy on me. I was raised with game chickens so I am not brand new to the chicken world, but this is the first time I am on my own with a flock. I also raise parrots for a living so I do know a bit about the anatomy of birds and symptoms of...
  9. M

    Is this a worm???

    I cracked an egg this morning and found this inside the white of the egg. Is this a worm? All poops are and have been normal and healthy looking. No sign of worms in their poops at all.
  10. K

    Safeguard Fenbendazole Dewormer Liquid Dose??

    I recently got my chicken’s fecal float test back from our vet and she has 2 types of worms, they recommended this for deworming and I have seen it posted in groups. The only thing I am struggling with is how to administer it to our chickens? I plan to do the whole flock but my flock is small...
  11. Chickenmother26

    Polish lethargic & pooping watery yellow/green

    Hello, thank you for reading! My polish chicken Jolene, about 2 years old, was standing with her tail down and acting lethargic so I brought her inside. Thought she just needed a haircut, but it didn’t help. Inside I noticed she was pooping watery/mucousy textured diarrhea, yellow/faintly...
  12. Timbers Happy Hens

    Roundworm treatment

    So I went out to my coop this morning and found this in some poop. I know it’s a roundworm and that I need to treat the whole flock then. Are there any methods someone could recommend for treatment? There isn’t really anything available for chickens at my local feed stores and I really want to...
  13. C

    Worm and blood in feces

    Hey guys, does anyone know what type of worm that is and also why there is blood in the feces? The worm is about 0.5mm in diameter by about 8mm long. Please see attached. Thanks
  14. Marleeschicks

    HELP ASAP— safeguard dosage!

    Hi guys— I have a flock w roundworms. One pullet is not well off. Bad case. I have safeguard for dogs (powder form) and I want to be sure I have the correct dosage. Most forums are for the liquid form so I don’t wanna be too far off. I have read 20-50 mg (per pound??? I’m not sure) for first...
  15. Relleoms

    Unwell hen-poop pics included

    Hi all, thank you in advance for your help. One week ago I brought in a 10 month old hen after finding green poop on the dropping board a number of mornings. She weighs just over 6 pounds and it’s remained relatively unchanged. She drinks excessively but has only been eating raw eggs and very...
  16. Emrosenagel

    Chicken doesn’t have a lot of food in crop at night

    Hello! I have a pair of 7mo Blue Andalusians and a broody Cochin who I’m not concerned about. Now, Rachel - one of my blues - I’ve noticed doesn’t have a very full crop at night. I noticed this weeks ago, but didn’t think too much of it. It isn’t empty, and I do see her eat (if not as...
  17. AidKD

    Acv for worms or no?

    Curious as to what others think on this matter!
  18. Mariakoltsa

    Stringy bits in chicken water. Larvae or parasites?

    Never had my chicken water dish look like that. Drained water out to get a closer picture but still says nothing to me. Seeing that my chickens are having health issues i want to make sure these are just some bug larvae or eggs not chicken parasites. Kindest regards
  19. Z

    Unusual poops

  20. J

    Are these worms in my chickens poop?

    Hi, I posted a couple of hours ago. Just need to know if you guys agree that these could be worms, if anyone know what type they could be that would be beneficial as well My dog also plays with the chickens, I’ll be getting some for her as well 😢 on Amazon right now ready to check out some...
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