2-week old chicks. Female? Male?


Apr 26, 2017
Bridgeport CT
Hey everyone. I'm new at raising chickens. Just recently bought 8 chicks from a feed store. They were all supposed to be pullets (90% chance of being female, that is). It's been exactly two weeks since I got them. The chicks were 2-3 days old 2 weeks ago.
I started to see a few changes on them. One chick, the white leghorn has developed long feathers and has a very bossy behavior, a slightly bigger yellow comb. She's not necessarily mean but can chest-bump me when I stick my hand in their brooder box. I now wonder if that's a male behavior?
Two, the Rhode Island Red and the Black australorp are growing nicely together and still look "female", and are submissive.
Three, the Barred Rock's feathers are growing nicely but starts to look more of a male now. The dot on the head isn't necessarily small but always seemed defined. The legs are not black. It's more yellow with slight gray on themt. The bars on the the feathers started out dark gray with small silver bars, but the newer feathers on the shoulders have more of a silver bar (lighter than the very first feathers).
Four, there's a Silver Laced Wyandotte. Very cute, gently but with very slow feathering growing.
Five, a Black Sex Link, whose feathers are growing way too slowly. No feather on the tail yet, slightly pronounced comb.
Six, amareucana, lots of feathers in, the biggest of them all in height. Not sure if it's a cockerel, considering how tall he is in comparison.
Lastly, the Speckled Sussex is the second one in size. She's also a big girl.
I'd like you to see what you think and let me know if any of them look like it could be a cockerel.
Any input is appreciated.
#1 White Leghorn



#2 Rhode Island Red


#3 Black Australorp




#4 Barred Rock




#5 Silver Laved Wyandotte




#6 Black Sex Link



#7 Amareucana



#8 Speckled Sussex


Welcome to the world of chickens, first of all! Your lot looks very nice. I'm not going to touch on the Leghorn, Sex link or the Wyandotte because I don't have any experience with those breeds and cannot make an educated guess on their sex. Now, your RIR looks very pullet like to me. Nice long tail and a tiny comb. (In our experience, out of our lots of chicks that wound up with 12 cockerels, the boys had stubby tails and patchy looking feathers from 3 wks to a month, and their combs came in at about a month looking bright red.) Your Australorp also looks very girlish to me with virtually no comb. The Barred Rock's are a strange breed in that both boys and girls get combs early. We have one of each and the boy had thick bars like yours does. I'm going to guess cockerel based on that. If you need a rooster, BR's are ah-mazing! Ours is so friendly and will actually come sit in your lap. The girl is extremely sweet too. I don't know a lot about Wyandotte's other than we had a gold laced cockerel for a while. His comb was flat like yours but at that stage even it was bright red. That's very good news for you! The Ameraucana looks like a girl, notice how defined her eye stripes are? Boys tend to have very fuzzy around the edges markings. I'm 95% certain your SS is a girl. Ours is a pullet and looked exactly like yours at 3 weeks.
Some tips on sexing:
- at a month, you will most likely be able to pick out if you have any boys. They will have red or dark pink combs, and if you look under their beak their red wattles will tart coming in.
- the combs on boys tend to be more rounded, and on the top of their heads where pullets have a straight edged comb that will go down their beak some.
- tails are not always a telling sign, but girls usually have bigger tails earlier. Keep an eye on the stubby tailed chicks and monitor their feather growth compared to the others.
- the most helpful thing to do is look up photos, or information about your breeds, some chicks simply take a bit longer in their development and may seem to be cockerels only to turn into beautiful pullets.
- the boys can have thicker legs, but I've seen plenty of girls with stocky legs too.
Overall, chick sexing is a waiting game. Unless you just have a really good feeling you have a cockerel, I would keep them at least two more weeks and then come back and try sexing. I'd hate for you to get rid of a good egg layer!

Hope this helped some!
Hey quickchicken!
Thank you for your input. It was very helpful. I am with you thinking about the BR being a boy. I hope he's the only one and will definitely keep him. I will keep one rooster though. Hope no more boys (keeping fingers crossed)
Would love to know the sex pls


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Would love to know the sex pls
Is it wicked to just keep 2 chicks
And would love to know what breed they are.
Cute chicks!😊
Impossible to tell gender this early. These chicks have single combs, so you should know by 6 weeks.
Most people recommend keeping minimum 3 chicks, but 2 are fine together.
Looks like these chicks will end up being all white.
Too early to be certain, but they could be leghorns or white rocks.
Where did you get the eggs and what color were they?
Your post is buried in a post from 2017.
You will get more responses if you make your own post.😊
Try reposting with new photos when they are 5-6 weeks of age.
Cute chicks!😊
Impossible to tell gender this early. These chicks have single combs, so you should know by 6 weeks.
Most people recommend keeping minimum 3 chicks, but 2 are fine together.
Looks like these chicks will end up being all white.
Too early to be certain, but they could be leghorns or white rocks.
Where did you get the eggs and what color were they?
Your post is buried in a post from 2017.
You will get more responses if you make your own post.😊
Try reposting with new photos when they are 5-6 weeks of age.
Thank you i got a box of free range eggs form marks an Spencer's and put them in a incubator 1 was white egg and the other normal colour so not sure where they come from thank you for ur post mel

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