8 week old leghorns (ideal 236) - pullets or cockerels?


10 Years
Oct 21, 2009
Gilbert, AZ
My Coop
My Coop
My leghorns (ideal 236's) turned 8 weeks old today. I haven't had leghorns before so I need some help sexing them.
What do you think? Pullets or cockerels?
I'm worried about #5 and a little worried about #2 because their combs are a little darker. They are still orange, though. Shouldn't they be red by now if they are cockerels?
Thanks for any help you can give me.



They all look like pullets to me, but I also see some with black spots (very faint). Those are probably their Ideal 236 which are not a pure bred white leghorn.
They are definitely the 236's. I like the spots. They act like chickens in fast forward when they are down running around but when you pick them up they are super sweet and love being held.
ALL are pullets...we have leghorns by the dozens and that comb on #2 is baby sized compared to a rooster of that same age plus it's not dark red...leghorn roos don't hide past a week old 2 weeks for the slow ones.
why you have 2 with larger combs is because they don't all mature at the same rate even though they hatch on the same day
You will have plenty of eggs shortly

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