Accidental wormer overdose?


May 12, 2018
North Carolina
So... I screwed up! :barnie(Disclaimer: long post) I noticed some small thread like worms in some droppings about 3 days ago. I had a little safeguard eqine paste (fenbendazle) on hand and was able to give it to 2 of my 13 chickens. Fatty a barred cochin weighing in at 2990g or 6.5lbs got .6ml and Kate a buff Orpington weighing 2275g or 5.0lbs got .55ml of the safeguard paste. I know! I know! Before I get the spanking of “Not the right dose” here’s why. 3 days ago I found articles/ threads recommending the “pea sized” dose. After researching tonigt, I now found the newer recommended and more specific dose of .23ml per lb.
Anyhow, back to the story... The tube then felt clogged (it wasn’t) and I used a little too much force, basically it ended up in the dirt unusable. Went to the store and got Ivermectin pour-on (the blue topical stuff) instead to do the rest of the flock. I was able to convince a family member to help out tonight to hold each one while I administered carefully measured drops. In my haste at actually having, for a limited time, help for once and exhausted from a 12 hour shift at work, I did ALL of them! Including the 2 whom I forgot already got the safeguard 3 days before! I gave, from what I’ve read, is a conservative 4 drops each to those two birds. As soon as we were done with everyone, I realized my stupid mistake! What have I just done?!? I can’t exactly wash it off! My question is what effect will this have on the two girls who got double dosed if any? What do you think?
So... I screwed up! :barnie(Disclaimer: long post) I noticed some small thread like worms in some droppings about 3 days ago. I had a little safeguard eqine paste (fenbendazle) on hand and was able to give it to 2 of my 13 chickens. Fatty a barred cochin weighing in at 2990g or 6.5lbs got .6ml and Kate a buff Orpington weighing 2275g or 5.0lbs got .55ml of the safeguard paste. I know! I know! Before I get the spanking of “Not the right dose” here’s why. 3 days ago I found articles/ threads recommending the “pea sized” dose. After researching tonigt, I now found the newer recommended and more specific dose of .23ml per lb.
Anyhow, back to the story... The tube then felt clogged (it wasn’t) and I used a little too much force, basically it ended up in the dirt unusable. Went to the store and got Ivermectin pour-on (the blue topical stuff) instead to do the rest of the flock. I was able to convince a family member to help out tonight to hold each one while I administered carefully measured drops. In my haste at actually having, for a limited time, help for once and exhausted from a 12 hour shift at work, I did ALL of them! Including the 2 whom I forgot already got the safeguard 3 days before! I gave, from what I’ve read, is a conservative 4 drops each to those two birds. As soon as we were done with everyone, I realized my stupid mistake! What have I just done?!? I can’t exactly wash it off! My question is what effect will this have on the two girls who got double dosed if any? What do you think?
Are there any directions as to what to do in this case. Or a hotline number on the medicines?
I wouldn't worry one bit about over dosing them.
Are you aware you might have just wasted your time and money on the will not treat worms.
Seriously?!? Uh! So much confliting info out there!!! :he According to the article I read, Ivermectin would treat for round worms, thread worms, gape worms and multiple external parasites! What should I do now?
Are there any directions as to what to do in this case. Or a hotline number on the medicines?
Don’t think so, most if these products aren’t even approved for use in poultry in the U.S. as far as I know. Ivermectin is for cows/ goats and the Safeguard is for horses. Avian vets are few and far between. Avian vets experienced in treating chickens are even more rare.
I’m sure theres a phone number to call somewhere. However, my concern was in these two specific birds getting BOTH products in such a short amount of time. Besides, no hotline will give someone advice if the product was not used for the animal it was marketed for.
Do you have to tell them? How are the birds acting. Eating, drinking, pooping alert active etc?

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