After I start incubating can I Transport eggs to school?


8 Years
Mar 18, 2011
I want to start the incubation process today in order to hatch on the week before spring break for my daughters science class. Is it possible to transport the eggs safely after the incubation starts? My plan was to leave them in the incubator and place inside a warming bag for the ten minute trip. Thanks to any suggestions:)
I did this last year for our teacher. I carried the eggs back and forth in the incubator. Friday home with me and back on Monday. I put the bator on a plug adapter that went into the cigarette liter. They just didn't turn for the ride home. Just make sure you have a towel over it if not and I would also recommend making sure to keep it quite level. Went home several times with damp pants due to splash over the vent holes in the sides (1588) from the humidity tray.
I'm going to be doing this same thing on Sunday, except that I started them Wednesday night and my drive is about 20 minutes.... I was just going to wrap the bator in towels and drive like a mad woman!

Unfortunately I just had to pull a turkey egg for a blood ring...
I took them for the ride this morning to school (and now I'm having withdrawls since they're not here with me at home!). What I did was take a few towels and run them in the dryer for a few minutes, then put a few of them inside the incubator to help with the eggs not bouncing around. Then I wrapped two hot beach towels around it. THEN I quickly put them in the pre-heated car and blew the heater on them the whole way. Me and my poor kids sweltered on the ride to school!!!!
<-- how we felt!

When I got to school, the eggs were still very warm. I forgot my candling bright flashlight, so I'll take it tomorrow and check a few of them. Good luck to both of us!
I'm taking my 'bator to school tomorrow for my 7th grade science teacher. We are a little behind out plan but thats okay. We where going to take the 'bator today and let it get nice and warm and have my temp. stable. My hatching chicks desided to take their time. We're a day behind.
I have a few boys in my class who I'll be keeping my eye on. If they want to continue use of their teeth I highly suggest they leave my egg keeping to me and not try to be funny.

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