Any Home Bakers Here?

Can't remember if I posted this on here or not...oh well, better to hear it twice than not at all!
Happy New Years everybody!

Grand-daughter and chick pictures are adorable! Oh what memories you guys are making.

Great New Years Cookie Decorating pictures! love the dinosaur cookies, what fun.

@NorthFLChick do you think the cheese straws would be as good if I used the cookie press but made them into straight straws with the star plate?
@tjo804 your pictures are too cute! Kids get so much enjoyment out of animals, and they learn a lot just having fun with them. What breed of little chick is that (sorry if you already said)?

The Chicks are from my bantam coop
The Cockerel is a blue non sop silkie

The Eggs are from either Silkie or Cochin

Needle in the back is a Frizzle not Broody. Sunshine finished the hatching but didn't care for the chicks.
And BabyBear

She got moved to a separate coop on Day 20.

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