Any Home Bakers Here?

I'm guess-timating the cost for a batch of these to be about $1. The ones in the photo probably equal about 1/4 of the total crackers this made.

Oh no, not your furnace! Hope you get it fixed soon. Thank goodness you have your oven (I'd probably be sleeping next to it to stay warm, lol).

We woke up Saturday and checked on our son, the cat and dog were both cuddled in bed with him! Ruby (dog) sleeps with him every night, but often gets up in the middle of the night and moves to her dog bed and Opal (cat) usually sleeps with us. It's been super cold! Are fireplace doesn't give off much heat, I Wish we had a wood stove! It is funny, of course this would happen on a super cold, three day weekend. Haha. And my husband can fix pretty much anything, and the one thing he can't fix brakes
. Oh well. I told my daycare parents to send their kids with jackets and that we will bake bread to help the house keep warm!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's an easy fix that's not too expensive and that someone can come out tomorrow and hopefully get it fixed. Otherwise we will be buying a new furnace and that means my husband will be putting it in after work, so that will take a few days. I don't want to wait that long.
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We woke up Saturday and checked on our son, the cat and dog were both cuddled in bed with him! Ruby (dog) sleeps with him every night, but often gets up in the middle of the night and moves to her dog bed and Opal (cat) usually sleeps with us. It's been super cold! Are fireplace doesn't give off much heat, I Wish we had a wood stove! It is funny, of course this would happen on a super cold, three day weekend. Haha. And my husband can fix pretty much anything, and the one thing he can't fix brakes
. Oh well. I told my daycare parents to send their kids with jackets and that we will bake bread to help the house keep warm!
That's the way things always happen, it's like a mean twist of fate.

A bit over 2 years ago, we moved into our house in the blazing hot, humid August weather and 2 weeks later the central air died on a late Friday afternoon.

Things only break when you really want them to work.
That's the way things always happen, it's like a mean twist of fate.

A bit over 2 years ago, we moved into our house in the blazing hot, humid August weather and 2 weeks later the central air died on a late Friday afternoon.

Things only break when you really want them to work.

So true.
Ahh alice i bet your freezing thats not pleasant i can barely handle our mild winters (29 the lowest it got last year so far 33 the lowest this year jan olisbour coldest month) i have our heater running at 70 at least for 55 and below nope i dont do the cold. Thats is awesome nfc my daughter and i will have a blast making them. I finally caught up on dishes so tomorrow i can bake.
Ahh we have the opposite problem but I am a bit further south than you east of Sarasota. The cat tries to snuggle up but she makes me too hot. Don't think I have used the furnace in years.

Attached are two of the pics you asked for on the other thread.

My everyday bread.

devilsfood cake with milk chocolate icing............
@Gorman Farm glad to see you came over with some pictures! Your bread looks great and is that camo frosting on the chocolate cake?
I tried something new today, I made crackers. They turned out pretty good and I think this recipe might be fun to play around with using sesame seeds or dried herbs.

Sea Salt & Pepper Crackers

2 C AP flour
1 Tab sugar
1 tsp. Kosher salt
1/2 tsp. fresh ground pepper
2 Tab. chilled butter, cut into small pieces
2/3 C milk
additional salt & pepper is desired

* Preheat oven to 450*
* Blend flour, sugar, salt, pepper
* Add pieces of chilled butter & mix until the butter is no longer discernible in the mixture (easiest to do with your fingers)
* Add milk & mix until the dough comes together
* Turn dough onto floured board & knead 5-6 minutes
* Shape into ball & cut in half
* Roll out dough on baking sheet as thinly as possible. Repeat with other half of dough on 2nd baking sheet.
* Sprinkle with additional sea salt & pepper if desired
* Prick dough with fork & score with pizza wheel into serving size pieces
* Bake 10-12 minutes, rotate pans halfway through baking time
* Take out of oven & let rest on pans for a few minutes then transfer to wire rack to cool completely
* Break apart on the score lines if necessary (easier to do once they have cooled, then they are crisper)

I found it easier to roll the dough out on the back of the baking sheets, otherwise the sides got in the way of the rolling pin. You want to roll these very, very thin.
I added the optional salt & pepper this time but next time, I'd just add the optional salt...mine were peppery!
These were very easy to make, came together fast and didn't need any special ingredients.

Very Nice!

@Alice28 hope your heat gets fixed soon! We use a wood stove, it does get nice and toasty, but the mornings can be quite cold. I do have a monitor heater we can turn on if there is no time to build a fire (early morning appointments etc.) but I don't like to use it because of fuel oil prices. Wood does take a lot more work since we cut and split our own, but it is worth it.

@Gorman Farm beautiful bread and gimme some of that cake!
Very Nice!

hope your heat gets fixed soon! We use a wood stove, it does get nice and toasty, but the mornings can be quite cold. I do have a monitor heater we can turn on if there is no time to build a fire (early morning appointments etc.) but I don't like to use it because of fuel oil prices. Wood does take a lot more work since we cut and split our own, but it is worth it.

@Gorman Farm
beautiful bread and gimme some of that cake!

I wish we had a wood stove. I don't mind splitting wood, it use to be my punishment when I was younger. I stacked wood from tree to tree and made a fort. I went by the house I use to live at and some of the wood pile is still there
. I made it taller then me, we had a wind storm when I lived there, so lots of trees blew down.
If this was where I was planning to stay then I would see about putting in a wood stove, but hopefully we won't be here to much longer.
Ahh we have the opposite problem but I am a bit further south than you east of Sarasota. The cat tries to snuggle up but she makes me too hot. Don't think I have used the furnace in years.

Attached are two of the pics you asked for on the other thread.

My everyday bread.

devilsfood cake with milk chocolate icing............
Looks fantastic
Do you have the recipe handy?

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