Any Home Bakers Here?

me either, a boiled egg never last long enough around here, Save your pickle juice and toss them in -in the refrigerator.
Oh, I've got plenty of eggs, just no room to do anything at the moment, my kitchen is a disaster-area until I sort out the cupboards that I have pulled everything out of and then lost control.
I thought I was the only one that did that.
It usually starts when I notice some crumbs in the silverware drawer... and then 'Kablamo!". One thing leads to another and w have to eat out for the rest of the week.
I thought I was the only one that did that.
It usually starts when I notice some crumbs in the silverware drawer... and then 'Kablamo!". One thing leads to another and w have to eat out for the rest of the week.
big_smile.png just gave me an idea
So I want to make a blue cake for thing 2 second Birthday. She worships her big sister and big sis is very into princesses, so little sis is into princesses. I thought I would try to make a princess cake. I have a bunch of tiered cake pans, thought I would make a three tiered blue cake with purple frosting between the layers and pink frosting over the cake. I found some little purple candy pearls for decoration. I would love to decorate more, but do not think I have the skill. I am limited with what I can buy because I have one little boy who is severly allergic to peanuts. Any great ideas?
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So I want to make a blue cake for thing 2 second Birthday. She worships her big sister and big sis is very into princesses, so little sis is into princesses. I thought I would try to make a princess cake. I have a bunch of tiered cake pans, thought I would make a three tiered blue cake with purple frosting between the layers and pink frosting over the cake. I found some little purple candy pearls for decoration. I would love to decorate more, but do not think I have the skill. I am limited with what I can buy because I have one little boy who is severly allergic to peanuts. Any great ideas?
I don't have kids or really decorate anything
...but, what about flowers?
Do you happen to have any Violets in bloom? Either fresh or sugared it might make a pretty princess cake.
Trying to think out of the box
When I was a little kid, my mum used to make Dolly Varden cakes for my birthday. They are very easy, you just bake the cake and then stick a barbie doll in it, decorate the cake as the doll's skirt. It is very princess-y and you can go as over-the-top on the dress as you like.

EDIT: here's a cake shop with how they look
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