Any Home Bakers Here?

So I want to make a blue cake for thing 2 second Birthday. She worships her big sister and big sis is very into princesses, so little sis is into princesses. I thought I would try to make a princess cake. I have a bunch of tiered cake pans, thought I would make a three tiered blue cake with purple frosting between the layers and pink frosting over the cake. I found some little purple candy pearls for decoration. I would love to decorate more, but do not think I have the skill. I am limited with what I can buy because I have one little boy who is severly allergic to peanuts. Any great ideas?

I don't have kids or really decorate anything:oops: ...but, what about flowers?
Do you happen to have any Violets in bloom? Either fresh or sugared it might make a pretty princess cake.
Trying to think out of the box:)

Thank you, this would be perfect. I am going to town today I will see if I can get violets.
When I was a little kid, my mum used to make Dolly Varden cakes for my birthday.  They are very easy, you just bake the cake and then stick a barbie doll in it, decorate the cake as the doll's skirt.  It is very princess-y and you can go as over-the-top on the dress as you like.  

EDIT: here's a cake shop with how they look

I remember my mom making me one of these too, thanks for the idea.
Lol I agree they are adorable. The last one is close to what I had in mind. I had not thought to make each layer different colors, I wonder if I could do that...

Sure you can do it

If you want to go the totally cheap route...if you have a Dollar Tree (or something similar) they usually have little girl's tiara and what not.
The last one would also look so cute with a doll in it as well...just go for it, she will love it.
She will. She will love that you love her enough to try, mom.
And if you use those laughy taffys you can roll them out and cut shapes to use as decorations.

I have never attempted the fondant but there are some recipes that use melted marshmallows you could give them a try.

Good luck and my tinker bell assist you with magic and fairy dust.

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