Any Home Bakers Here?

  those cupcakes are adorable, sorry they didn't win a prize.  Bet there was some pretty neat stuff there, 4H kids are pretty creative...  Love the look of your pies also.  Fresh cherry Pie, oh my!

I no longer buy bread flour.  I just use my non-bleached white flour and add wheat gluten from a package I bought at the store.  One tablespoon for a 5 cup flour recipe.

Thank you! They certainly are creative, there was some very neat desserts I saw. Thanks again! :) The cherries were delicious!
Cute cupcakes!  Those pies are beautiful!

Thanks! :D

Here is the finished pumpkin pie:

All the marks were from me trying to figure out if it was done or not. I tried to cover them up, but it didn't work, so the pie didn't look to good. :lol: It was tasty though!
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I have been in that boat now with the molt on. I haven't got enough eggs to pay for their feed so for now it's out of pocket. DH isn't too happy about it but once they start laying well again all will be good. My Leghorn pullets have just started to lay but of course the eggs are on the small size for now.
Yeah, hopefully mine will not molt this year, this is their first year laying, so I do not think they will be molting. Fingers crossed on that one. :fl
Quote: They will molt once a year. The first year they will molt several times so you may not notice it and some birds go through a very light molt where others may go through a very heavy molt. I do feed my birds high protein feed as growing new feathers is like growing fingernails so I think the high protein is essential. My birds are still laying but not like they do when they're not molting and I believe it is the feed. I have some neighbors and friends whose birds have stopped laying but they feed their birds 15% or 16% layer feed. My feed is 20%. When I hatch out my chicks they get 26% feed.

Made bread yesterday and a key lime pie.
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They will molt once a year. The first year they will molt several times so you may not notice it and some birds go through a very light molt where others may go through a very heavy molt. I do feed my birds high protein feed as growing new feathers is like growing fingernails so I think the high protein is essential. My birds are still laying but not like they do when they're not molting and I believe it is the feed. I have some neighbors and friends whose birds have stopped laying but they feed their birds 15% or 16% layer feed. My feed is 20%. When I hatch out my chicks they get 26% feed.

Made bread yesterday and a key lime pie.

What kind of bread? :drool I am feeding mine 16% I THINK. It is all the non GMO feed mill sells.
Does anyone have a sourdough flatbread recipe?
I just found a sourdough pizza dough recipe. It might work for flatbread.

homemade sourdough pizza crust
Prep Time:4 hr Cook Time:10 min

  • • A large glass mixing bowl and clean hands
  • • 1 ½ cups of all-purpose or bread flour
  • • 1 ½ cups of fed sourdough starter (I make sure mine is fed the night before)
  • • 1-3 TB of water to help control consistency
  • • 2 TB olive oil
  • • ¾ tsp of sea salt
  • • Toppings like tomato sauce, veggies, meats, herbs, and cheeses

  • 1 Begin by adding the flour, sourdough starter, and olive oil to the bowl and start mixing with your hands.
  • 2 Once the dough comes together, you can start kneading it on a clean flat surface by folding it into itself for about 3-4 minutes. Add 1 TB of water if the dough feels too stiff and dry.
  • 3 The dough should feel dry enough where it no longer sticks to your hands yet still feels supple and knead-able. If it’s too sticky, add 1 TB of flour.
  • 4 To make one large oval/rectangular pizza, form the dough into 1 ball and place it into a greased bowl to rise (I used olive oil). To make two smaller round pizzas, divide the dough and place the dough balls into two separate greased bowls. I like to roll the dough around the bowl to coat it with olive oil to keep it from drying out.
  • 5 Cover the bowls with plastic wrap or a damp kitchen towel and put it in a warm place
  • 6 Depending on the temperature that day, it can take anywhere from 1-4 hours for the dough to double in size. Once it has done so, you can roll it out. Since I like large rectangular pizzas, I simply placed the dough on a greased baking sheet and spread it out with my fingers. Super easy and less clean up!
  • 7 Once rolled out, brush the dough with olive oil and let it sit for another 30 minutes while you prep your toppings and preheat your oven to 500 degrees.
  • 8 Once the oven is preheated, pop in the pizza crust to pre-bake it for about 2-3 minutes. This with keep the crust nice and sturdy and gives it a wonderful crunch.
  • 9 Take the pizza crust out, and add your sauce of choice and all the toppings you desire. If you’re using a lot of fresh veggies like onion and bellpepper, you can sauté them if you want a softer consistency.
  • 10 Once all of your toppings are placed, put the pizza back in the oven for 6-7 minutes or until the crust is a golden brown and the cheese is melted. Keep an eye on it!
  • 11 Add fresh herbs like basil and cilantro, slice, and serve hot!

  • This recipe makes one large 17-inch rectangular pizza or two 12-14-inch round pizzas.
holistic health herbalist
My 14 year old has been busy baking.

She has far more patience than me
I love the surprise of the inside colors
Dare to be different

Looks like an original idea - Did she plan the colors herself or follow a recipe?

It is so wonderful to see examples of the young doing the things many of us loved at that age :)
I made these little cookies yesterday:

Pretty tasty (and the guys at work loved them).

I made the thumbprint version and the couple things I would keep in mind next time are:
- make a double batch (a single only makes about 15 little cookies)
- use jam for the filling (I made some with cherry jam and some with grape jelly...the jelly melted down into the cookie, the jam kept it's shape and in the "thumbprint")

eta the photo
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