Any Home Bakers Here?

I was just going through my recipe books yesterday and found a book of cookie mixes in jars...I'll try and post pictures later today.








Do you have a recipe to share?
This is the one I've got. I don't have the origin recorded, it's off the internet "somewhere", not my recipe.

4 tablespoons flour (4 tbsp is about 1/4 cup)
4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
1/8 teasp baking powder (a pinch)
1/8 teasp salt (a pinch)
1 egg, beaten
3 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons oil (I used butter)
2-3 drops vanilla
choc chips (optional)

Mix the dry in a bowl
add egg and mix
add liquid ingredients (and choc chips, if using) and mix well
(you can mix it all in the mug, with a fork, you just need a big enough one not to spill it all out)

grease a tall, large mug and pour mixture in, scraping out with a spatula (don't have to if you've mixed straight in the mug)

microwave for 2.5-3 minutes (best to be slightly undercooked, be careful)

I can't remember how I did the sauce, just adapted from a "proper" recipe. Proportions in the CWA recipe are 0.5 cup sugar/2 dessertspoons cocoa and 1.5 cup of hot water. I just did some sums to do that with a spoon or so of ingredients, I can't remember how much.... You just sprinkle the sugar and cocoa on the top and pour the water on.

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