Any Home Bakers Here?

Quote: Congratulations. Please post some pictures. I love pictures.
Congratulations. Please post some pictures. I love pictures.

You can bet there will plenty of pictures cmom. I was telling someone earlier today, those chicks are going to think my face looks like a camera, lol.
I have never used stevia, but your post got me curious:  here's link to drying and making stevia powder.

There's not a lot of info about using green leaves except you can place them in a warm beverages and get some earthy sweetness - not sure how that would taste in custard.
Thanks I'll read up.
I was thinking they would release sweetness in the warm milk but no idea how much to use. I tasted a leaf
And they are so sweet it's disgusting.
Hey just ordered a stevia plant from home depot as it is not
sold in stores but being shipped says 3 pack so at 27.00 total
better be three... My BF is diabetic would love to temper the baking
he does use stevia in his coffee
Thank you guys for all of your frosting advice! I decided that black & red stained teeth on teenage girls would probably be a disaster, so I just left the frosting off on those two cakes. I justified this because the cakes themselves (chocolate/chocolate chip & red velvet) were already the colors I needed them to be & since I know some people don't like frosting, I rationalized that it was ok to leave it off. The other two cakes (vanilla & lemon) definitely needed the frosting because they looked the same & very plain. When it was all said & done, I only needed to dye one batch of frosting (the yellow) & the less dye you eat, the better IMHO. Thank you guys a million for saving another birthday for me!!!
Dewberry or Black Berry Pie Recipe

  1. Combine one cup sugar, sour cream, flour, and salt.
  2. Place berries in pie shell.
  3. Spread sour cream mixture on top.
  4. Combine bread crumbs and 2 tablespoons.
  5. sugar, and butter.
  6. Sprinkle on top.
  7. Bake 375F degrees for 40-45 minutes or until done.

Dewberry or Black Berry Jam

4 cups dewberries
4 cups sugar
1/2 pkg of pectin

Cook dewberries on medium heat until bubbling, smashing with a potato masher or a large fork while they are heating up (we like it chunky, it is jam, ha).

Once they are boiling, add the pectin. Stir well and continue to simmer until it starts to thicken, usually just a few minutes.

Add the 4 cups of sugar all at once, stirring quickly to make sure it all dissolves. Return to a boil and continue boiling for 1 minute. You should have your jars ready and ladle quickly into sterilized jars, leaving 1/4" headspace.

Process for 10 minutes in a water bath.

Allow to cool for 24 hours, make sure all lids have sealed.​
Wow thanks I will try those. They sound good. Every year we pick several pounds. So many we freeze some and give them away. So we could make jam and enjoy them all year. Thanks so much.
Wow thanks I will try those. They sound good. Every year we pick several pounds. So many we freeze some and give them away. So we could make jam and enjoy them all year. Thanks so much.
Thank you here they are called Blackberries we do the same with them our home has this group
of them we are clearing a big group of alders with two very old apple trees one growing sideways
one dead trying hard to keep a small stand of blackberry.

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