Any Home Bakers Here?

Thank you here they are called Blackberries we do the same with them our home has this group
of them we are clearing a big group of alders with two very old apple trees one growing sideways
one dead trying hard to keep a small stand of blackberry.
Blackberry jelly is my most favorite jelly in the whole wide world. It also makes a great marinade for pork.
Thank you here they are called Blackberries we do the same with them our home has this group
of them we are clearing a big group of alders with two very old apple trees one growing sideways
one dead trying hard to keep a small stand of blackberry.

There is a difference between Dewberries and Blackberries. Dewberries grow close to the ground while Blackberries grow on upright canes. In my experience Dewberries are much sweeter than Blackberries. We had both varieties where I grew up.
Also been picking broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, lettuce, digging potatoes. The onions are almost ready to pick. I love my gardens. When we were getting the beds ready for planting. DH and some of his helpers Before we worked on the coops. Took this tractor to a tractor show. We are thinking of selling it. We really don't use it any more as we're getting too old. DH can't get up on it any more so I have been the one. Here we have the cultivators (sweeps) and discs on it. Several years ago DH totally restored it. We also have a Woods belly mower for it.
Beautiful pictures!
Hey just ordered a stevia plant from home depot as it is not
sold in stores but being shipped says 3 pack so at 27.00 total
better be three... My BF is diabetic would love to temper the baking
he does use stevia in his coffee

They grow quite a decent sized plant so your going to have lots of stevia!
We have huge pastures all around us and they are lined Dewberries bushes but of course the best berries are all in the cactus. So its always the "no pain, no gain" attitude when picking. Our town has a dewberry festival every year but nobody shares recipes because of the contest that they have. So I appreciate any recipes I can get.
I've been baking this morning. The first Hummingbird Cake, the first time for making 3 layers and the first time to do a crumb coat.

So far, it looks good. Later when DH is home, taste tests will be required, lol.

Oh, I can not wait to hear how it comes out! I made a hummingbird cake once, when I was about 11. I forgot to put the baking soda in.....guess I don't need to explain the results...the cream cheese frosting was yummy on it, but I'd love to make one again. They are kinda expensive though!
Oh, I can not wait to hear how it comes out! I made a hummingbird cake once, when I was about 11. I forgot to put the baking soda in.....guess I don't need to explain the results...the cream cheese frosting was yummy on it, but I'd love to make one again. They are kinda expensive though!

The Hummingbird cake was a hit! I'll load a couple pictures and the recipe later. DH usually only wants chocolate cake so for him to like this one, was pretty big, lol.
I tried to bake a bread once and it was a big failure. I gave it up in the end :p

If you remember what happened, bet someone here can help you give it another try..
I agree with you, colomore88 ,
yeast hates me. no matter what I do, if it's baking with yeast, it always fails. I have a black thumb when it comes to cooking with yeast. LOL . I sure wish it was spring here in western Pennsylvania. it snowed yesterday. we still have snow on the ground. the poor trees are so confused.
PS I had a bread machine once. I was so excited . I was going to be all domestic and make homemade bread for the family! I made homemade bread in it for my son. It gave him big red hives . that was the end of the bread machine. Sign.
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