Any Home Bakers Here?

Ron, To Feed twice daily
If the jar is too full when you need to feed it, then you need to dump part of it. You can make pancakes, crumpets, bagels, biscuits and any other recipe that uses baking soda or yeast to raise. After it is bubbling well, you can put in into the fridge until you are ready to bake something. I try to use it once a week but have been known to leave it for a couple of months. Then you need to go through a couple of replenishing days to get it back up to full strength again.

The more you use it the better it is.

If you do not want to make something with the extra, It can go down the drain. The yeas in it might clean the pipes too
...Ron to feed when it is starting NOW on the say feed twice a day w
If the jar is too full when you need to feed it, then you need to dump part of it. You can make pancakes, crumpets, bagels, biscuits and any other recipe that uses baking soda or yeast to raise. After it is bubbling well, you can put in into the fridge until you are ready to bake something. I try to use it once a week but have been known to leave it for a couple of months. Then you need to go through a couple of replenishing days to get it back up to full strength again.

The more you use it the better it is.

If you do not want to make something with the extra, It can go down the drain. The yeas in it might clean the pipes too
If the jar is too full when you need to feed it, then you need to dump part of it. You can make pancakes, crumpets, bagels, biscuits and any other recipe that uses baking soda or yeast to raise. After it is bubbling well, you can put in into the fridge until you are ready to bake something. I try to use it once a week but have been known to leave it for a couple of months. Then you need to go through a couple of replenishing days to get it back up to full strength again.

The more you use it the better it is.

If you do not want to make something with the extra, It can go down the drain. The yeas in it might clean the pipes too
Ron, I am having a problem posting a reply. I need to Know...
when it is on the counter now waiting to get said feed twice a I feed one cup of flour and one cup of water
twice day? And when can I start using? I will not have a problem using once a week. Aria
Ron, Between my old computer and my lack of Sourdough knowledge....I am feeling summary:
1. to rehydrate to get it bubbling again...feed twice a day and keep on the counter...1/2 cup flour and less water...looks like pancake batter.

2. Afterwards keep in the fridge and need to keep l or 2 cups...too full dump part of it.

3. after bubbling in the fridge...every couple of days after use replinish back to full strength.

I plan to use at least once a week AND I have one of the jars you showed me to store. This has been a journey...lots of fun and more to come. Thanks again for all your help. Regards, Aria
Ron, Between my old computer and my lack of Sourdough knowledge....I am feeling summary:
1. to rehydrate to get it bubbling again...feed twice a day and keep on the counter...1/2 cup flour and less water...looks like pancake batter.

2. Afterwards keep in the fridge and need to keep l or 2 cups...too full dump part of it.

3. after bubbling in the fridge...every couple of days after use replinish back to full strength.

I plan to use at least once a week AND I have one of the jars you showed me to store. This has been a journey...lots of fun and more to come. Thanks again for all your help. Regards, Aria
You are doing fine!
Yes, after adding the flour and water, it will take a bit of time for it to bubble when you are re hydrating from the dried starter I sent.

The instructions are:
To rehydrate, place about 10 grams (1/3 ounce) of the dehydrated starter flakes in a straight-sided jar and cover with the same weight in fresh water. Let stand for 10 minutes to soften, then stir to dissolve. Feed with one cup of flour and cup of warm (90°) water and repeat daily, discarding half of the starter, until the starter is back on its feet, bubbling and rising in its jar.

dumping half in the morning and then repeating in the evening will get it going faster. Once you work with it a bit it becomes second nature. It is actually very simple to keep sourdough starter going.
new 5 burner gas frigidaire stove delivered and tested by lead repair manager from db cooper appliance this am they do sell the scratch and dent appliances but do charge much, much less.. took our 25 year old electric and the gas burn victim shaking his head intending to dismantle and find the cause later
new 5 burner gas frigidaire stove delivered and tested by lead repair manager from db cooper appliance this am they do sell the scratch and dent appliances but do charge much, much less.. took our 25 year old electric and the gas burn victim shaking his head intending to dismantle and find the cause later
Hey ronott1, any chance you could put your instructions re the sourdough onto an article? I WILL do it one day and I won't want to make you explain it yet again to me when I do, and I know I won't be able to find the many many times you've explained it in this thread. :bow
Yes! I will work on one soon. I will likely start a thread too
For the first several days while it rehydrates and gets bubbling again, on the counter and feed it twice a day. Afterwards, keep it in the fridge. I like to use spring lidded mason jars

This one:

Is a bit large--1 liter is 4.2 cups. you need to keep 1 to 2 cups of starter since most recipes want that much for the sponge.


I keep mind in the fridge with a label on it that says sourdough starter. It can get to looking fairly sketchy over time so you want to make sure your mother or mother in law does not "clean" it for you--and toss it down the drain...
I'm so anxious for mine to arrive - can't wait to get going on it! I'm so glad you're going over the instructions here. I feel a little intimidated about the whole process, but I suppose it can't be that hard (I hope)!

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