Any Home Bakers Here?

I milled some spelt flour and put together a batch of bread. It is rising now so I am off to go on a jog. When I get back, it will almost be time to punch down the bread and shape the loafs.
had to go chicken feed no bread to but time to feed the dogs
15 year gsd Fear sounds like she is starving noises coming through the door
What is an English style breakfast? Is it different from an Australian breakfast

I did a Bing search of English-style breakfast and lots of images like this popped up...
English brkfast.jpg

Not sure what an Australian breakfast looks like. The searches for that showed all sorts of different things.
I did a Bing search of English-style breakfast and lots of images like this popped up...
View attachment 1138814

Not sure what an Australian breakfast looks like. The searches for that showed all sorts of different things.
I wold eat that...Maybe not all at one time though.
Maybe that's what is meant by "all day breakfast" meal that lasts a person all day long :D
What is an English style breakfast? Is it different from an Australian breakfast
We don't really have an "Australian breakfast" as such, breakfast items in cafes might be tea and toast, muesli, fruit platters, croissants, cereal, all sorts of things.

Yes, an English breakfast is like in the photo. A fried, big cooked breakfast. Usually bacon (I don't like it I never have that) and eggs (done however you like, but often fried), sausages, baked beans, a grilled tomato and toast. Often these days they'll give you a hash brown as well (in Britain they might have chips with it. They might also smother it in tomato sauce :sick). They often serve it all day, because it's really a ridiculous amount of food for actual breakfast, it's better for brunch or lunch, really. :D (vegetarian version will usually have fried mushrooms in place of the meat)
We don't really have an "Australian breakfast" as such, breakfast items in cafes might be tea and toast, muesli, fruit platters, croissants, cereal, all sorts of things.

Yes, an English breakfast is like in the photo. A fried, big cooked breakfast. Usually bacon (I don't like it I never have that) and eggs (done however you like, but often fried), sausages, baked beans, a grilled tomato and toast. Often these days they'll give you a hash brown as well (in Britain they might have chips with it. They might also smother it in tomato sauce :sick). They often serve it all day, because it's really a ridiculous amount of food for actual breakfast, it's better for brunch or lunch, really. :D (vegetarian version will usually have fried mushrooms in place of the meat)
Here in the US breakfast is cosmopolitan and we call what we eat in the morning breakfast. Sometimes it is left over pizza from the night before...

I had toasted blue berry banana bread, Pecan granola cereal from costco, banana and coffee this morning.

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