Any Home Bakers Here?

Will buttermilk powder work OK in the Cheddar Bread recipe?
I was looking for cornstarch or arrowroot the other night and found 2 bags of buttermilk powder ... and I know I have at least one more in another cupboard in the kitchen.

I use it when I make Buttermilk Ranch dressing, but I think i need more recipes that use buttermilk.

Recipe #2645 banana bread. Uses buttermilk.
I love this recipe and have switched out bananas for Apple pie filling, pumpkin, sweet potato. It works with everything and is still best the next day.

DH talked this weekend about making "mixes" for helping to make quicker meals during the week. I have shortening powder and dehydrated eggs, among other ingredients, so I will be vacuum sealing bags of biscuit mix, pancake mix, probably some dumpling mix. I know these are all easy recipes, but if it is all pre-measured and all i have to do is dump in a bowl and add water, why not make it easy on myself.

Great idea. I have been canning pinto beans, potatoes, soups so I dump in pan and heat the messs is reserved for when I want to deal with it.

My instant pot does not cook that fast. Its either defective or I don’t know what I’m doing...and thats a possibility.

I just got an electric pressure canner / cooker. I love it. It does everything.
Recipe #2645 banana bread. Uses buttermilk.
I love this recipe and have switched out bananas for Apple pie filling, pumpkin, sweet potato. It works with everything and is still best the next day.

Funny, I went back to see that recipe and it was an old one I posted about 3 years ago. Kind of forgotten about it and never thought to switch out the bananas for something like pie filling.

Thanks for the reminder!
what kind and where are you at? Sorry I'm a cast iron fiend. I love it.
Bob, I am in Sauquoit, New York about 10 miles from Utica,NY and
50 miles from Syracuse, NY. My cast Iron Dutch Oven is an Antique one...I have had for years. I also have several other cast iron cooking vessels....
....frying pans all sizes, pancake grill, outdoor grill....all antiques.
They are my favorite cooking vessels. I also have an antique cast
iron waffle iron. They are the best. Regards, Aria

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