Any Home Bakers Here?

I just got home. Processed the fish, and I got decent-sized fillets.

I think I'll try frying it in a pan with butter, then I'll sprinkle some lemon juice on top of it. That's what I do when I cook catfish.

Yes, it was sunny, and yes, I was wearing shorts, but shortly after I caught the fish, a storm rolled in, so I had to leave.

Talk about Spring weather!

Here's some more pictures.


23in, 9.8 lb new personal record for catfish.


About 1 to 2 lb of meat.

We have no snow left only 54 in the daytime lot's of rain this month is norm looks like we will have Friday dry is all then the rain is back ... webbed feet here many years of it ...
comfort food tonight roast beast mashed potatoes and carrots a big glass of Moo also View attachment 1735598 View attachment 1735599
I made chicken fry steak tonight with mashed potatoes and yellow squash.

It was similar to your dinner!

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