Any Home Bakers Here?

If you start with a roux, flour and butter or oil, and then add the veggie trio, you can then add whatever liquid you want. You don't need to use cream.

When I posted about creamy soups, I did say the dairy was added if you wanted to. It is not required.

When I posted about creamy soups, I did say the dairy was added if you wanted to. It is not required.
I understand your recipe and it sounds great!

I just said that because Penny Jo thinks she needs to mix flour with cream to thicken soups, and that's why she switched to cornstarch and water. Her BF is diabetic and she is trying to accommodate that.
I learned something today about cooking whole goose. Turns out I have been doing it wrong this whole time.

Here is some data to help you all understand, my goose is 6.2 pounds.

Cooking time is 30 minutes per kg at 180 Celcius. According to the math I did, this means 1 hour and 46 minutes and 5.12 seconds at 355 degrees Fahrenheit.

I always cooked goose for 2 and 1/2 hours. Ive been over cooking it! OH NO! WHAT HAVE I DONE!

Little joke there. Anyway, on top of that, I haven't been getting the fat out of the goose properly. I need to poke holes ALL OVER the goose skin, not just on the breast.

Going to have goose tomorrow and try this new method.

Will let you all know how it turns out.

Tonight I made a Turkey a la King type dinner and served it over mashed potatoes. We didn't eat that much on T-day because we were sick, so decided to just freeze the left-over turkey so it wouldn't go bad. It really came in handy tonight in making dinner, and I still have enough for another meal or two (at least something good came out of being sick...)
Tonight I made a Turkey a la King type dinner and served it over mashed potatoes. We didn't eat that much on T-day because we were sick, so decided to just freeze the left-over turkey so it wouldn't go bad. It really came in handy tonight in making dinner, and I still have enough for another meal or two (at least something good came out of being sick...)
Nice use of left over turkey!

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