Any Home Bakers Here?

My pan is the 13-inch size. In hindsight, I should have bought the smaller size. My DH is the one who eats the bread around here, and it would have made better sense. Hindsight is always 20-20. LOL! Thinking that I'll start gifting fresh bread to friends. It's always nice to have fresh home baked bread!
Thanks! That is very helpful. I will get the smaller one when I get one
Is that the stuff they use to make all the fancy decorations on cakes? If so :sick ,I ask for a piece with the least amount of decoration and pretty much don't eat the decoration I might happen to get. I can appreciate the work and art of making the "pretties" but maybe some nice silk flowers could be used instead.
some times it is the decoration. Usually it is the smooth covering on a cake.

A lot of the decorations are made using a bean paste
I'm beyond stuffed at the moment. We attempted to make homemade doughnuts this morning, complete with buttercream filling, sugar glaze and chocolate icing. They weren't the prettiest things but they're absolutely delicious and SO filling!

Your doughnuts sound good, and fun to make!
I'm beyond stuffed at the moment. We attempted to make homemade doughnuts this morning, complete with buttercream filling, sugar glaze and chocolate icing. They weren't the prettiest things but they're absolutely delicious and SO filling!
I made cinnamon rolls yesterday morning for Valentines day. They are tasty but very filling!

It sounds like the doughnuts were a hit!
And what is so wrong with regular frosting?

For me I have a desire to make a special Easter cake! I have a bunny shaped cake pan that gave me the inspiration. And I've never used it because I'm kind of at a loss on how to decorate it. I'm not really good at piping.

So I thought, if I cover it with fondant and cut out the shapes of the eyes/ears with colored fondant, it might be cute. Things that I think up and envision don't always materialize the way I'd hope be continued I guess LOL!
Anyone have any suggestions for Whole Wheat and Rye Sourdough? Mine tastes good fresh from the oven but lacks the characteristics of sourdough and doesn't keep well. My chickens have eaten so much rye bread they are starting to cluck in yiddish and lay kosher eggs:confused:
Make the recipe so that the final rise is in the evening. Put a cloth over the top of the vessel used to raise the bread and then into a plastic bag. Pop the dough into the fridge until then next morning.

Next morning, take the dough out of the fridge, pre heat the oven to the temp in the recipe and when ready, pop in the dough--out of the bag and the cloth removed of course.

If the bread still is not sour enough, you can buy some sour salt(citric acid) and add halt to 3\4 teaspoon at the point in the recipe that salt is added

I am assuming you are using a recipe that does not add baking yeast. If the recipe you are using has yeast in it, find one that does not have it!

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