Any Home Bakers Here?

Is it normal for the water to settle on top?
View attachment 2061655
Yep! It is time to stir it all up and add more water and flour!

After is bubbles one more time, it is ready for baking or go into the fridge. Try to use it each week to keep it active. The more it is used the more it will give you
I have AC, and a heat pump (other side), but the heat part just can't keep up when it gets cold. So wood is primary heat source.
I have seen some new Central systems that are both Heatpump and gas furnace. Gas for very cold weather and heatpump for milder times of the year and cooling for summer
Jam Filled Pastry
3 cups flour 1 cup sugar 1T yeast 1/4 tsp salt 1 egg 1/3 cup melted
butter 2/3 cup milk....mix and knead together. Cut into 16 pieces.
(use 1 T oil to roll and shape on your board so they won't stick) Roll out
one ball into a small rectangle. On the top side place 1 tsp of jam and
close (seal like a filled cookie). Cut the bottom of the rectangle with a
fancy wheel and roll the filled section to the bottom...keep rolling until
all one and just bend a little to make a horn-like shape. Brush with milk
Bake 350 oven 15 minutes. Light Golden. Remove cool just a bit and
and sprinkle with confectionery sugar.View attachment 2062019
Very nice!
Sour dough takes alot longer to rise than yeast. Plus you have to keep it and feed it and stir it and all that hard to do stuff.

Actually, lately I have been finding it hard to just remember that I have a sour dough starter, lol.
I remember each time I look in the fridge!

I love working with sourdough
Full disclosure that I did not wait the full 24 hours for my potato starter to be done, nor did I feed it before I used it; I didn't know if I should but I don't think so. I found the starter to be very thin which meant I had to use a lot more flour than the recipe called for to get a workable dough. One thing I learned is that if the tea towel dries out and sticks to the top of the dough, a spritz of water from a spray bottle will help separate the two without damaging the dough. Another thing is to be careful of the amount of eggwash you use :gig The taste is good but not amazing. Certainly edible and now I'm wondering what results I'd get without using the commercial yeast to get the thing going. Anyway, here's some pics. I made 10 buns. View attachment 2062216View attachment 2062217View attachment 2062218
They look good!
Full disclosure that I did not wait the full 24 hours for my potato starter to be done, nor did I feed it before I used it; I didn't know if I should but I don't think so. I found the starter to be very thin which meant I had to use a lot more flour than the recipe called for to get a workable dough. One thing I learned is that if the tea towel dries out and sticks to the top of the dough, a spritz of water from a spray bottle will help separate the two without damaging the dough. Another thing is to be careful of the amount of eggwash you use :gig The taste is good but not amazing. Certainly edible and now I'm wondering what results I'd get without using the commercial yeast to get the thing going. Anyway, here's some pics. I made 10 buns. View attachment 2062216View attachment 2062217View attachment 2062218

They look great! Such a pretty color too!

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