Any Home Bakers Here?

I’ve been to London, but nowhere else in the UK. Would love to make it back there soon though!
The pud-spo comes from watching the Great British Baking Show.
As he was pulling them out of the oven, I was narrating,

“For his Yorkshire puddings, Cody is using eggs from his backyard flock & basil from his herb garden as a garnish.”

I used my best Mel G voice impression.

I have never been to London.
In fact theres a lot of places I havent been to in the uk (or anywhere else in the world). When the children grow up more and its just me and DH I would like to travel more.

Have made bread buns today as we are having burgers for dinner.
This is what tangzhong looks like.
Making sandwich bread tomorrow!

I like using the tangzhong technique to prolong the shelf life. @bruceha2000 , I don't think I ever answered your question about it. You basically take some of the flour for the bread, add some of the water (or water and milk in my case) and make a white roux. For those who don't know what that is, you basically cook it until it forms a slurry or paste. You add that into the rest of the dough ingredients and bake it like normal. It has an amazing texture and stays very moist and fresh!
That sounds yummy :)
I have never been to London.
In fact theres a lot of places I havent been to in the uk (or anywhere else in the world). When the children grow up more and its just me and DH I would like to travel more.

Have made bread buns today as we are having burgers for dinner.

I was in London once for 2 weeks, so much to see and do! Hope you'll get the chance at some point.

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