Any Home Bakers Here?

Not sure what might happen here we have the antique trash burner we heat the house with
And where do you find antique trash to burn??? ;)

The actual question is "what DO you burn in it?"

And, it's always ready when DH is. No scheduling to rent one!
Yep! Same reason our snow tires are on their own rims. Sudden snow storm sneaking in the next few days in the fall? The tire changers are booked solid for a week. I just choose a decent day and do it myself. After the DDs got cars I got an air impact wrench. 4 cars got to be a bit much if I needed to do several in a day.

One winter there was a shortage of pellets, and they went back to wood
They still had the woodstove hooked up? I don't think you can burn cord wood in a pellet stove can you?

if you have the trees. (And you warm yourself twice.)
Twice? Oh heck no, bunches of times. May have to cut the tree down. Must limb it, cut it small enough to haul out of the woods. Haul it out of the woods. Cut it to lengths (16" for most home wood stoves). Split, stack, move to the house.

I've decreased my "number of times it is handled once split" by making racks for drying/storing that I can put on the porch landing with the tractor. I take the glass out of the storm door so accessing wood for the stove only involves taking it from the rack into the house.

a rank being (I think) half a cord.
Nope, a rank, rick, run, face cord is 1/3 of a cord ... if cut to 16". !/2 cord if cut to 24".
Price often depends on type of wood. We have soft and hardwoods here, I would only burn softwoods if I lived somewhere there was no hardwood.

Just left the doctor, I sprained my right foot in 2 places and stress fractured it in one of those places. I'm in a boot for the next few weeks. 😣
Oh man, just what you did NOT need! I hope it isn't too painful.

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