Any Home Bakers Here?

(It seems safer to brown the meringue with a kitchen torch, actually.)
I was there when my sister made one. It worked perfectly in the oven and was delicious eaten right after being removed from the oven. You got the warmth of the cake along with the frozen ice cream.
Good Lord! Hope y'all stay safe!

Does anyone have tips for making ice cream cakes? My birthday is on Wednesday and I thought, why not try making an ice cream cake? I just went out and got a quart of Baskin Robbins mint chocolate chip (the best) ice cream and I was going to just put it in a pan with some yellow cake, but I wanted to see if anyone had any cautions before I make a plan.
You can do it all without baking. If you want a sponge base go ahead and make it before hand and let it cool. Then the mold you'll be using put some solid plastic film on the sides so the ice cream cake will unmold easily, you can go ahead and put as many layers/flavors of ice cream; you could even put crushed cookies in between layers or sliced fruit. The merengue you can put it on once you've let the ice cream solidify in the freezer and torch it to get the "burnt" look; or you can always top off with butter cream (of course the merengue will give you a "fat-less" topping).
Happy birthday hope you enjoy your cake and post pics on how it turned out ;)
Mine too. No eggs the last 2 days but Aurora laid one this morning. That girl needs to give herself a rest, she's been laying for nearly 2 years!
Yeah our girls are just starting to lay again after the molt, got two or three laying. Then two raising young chicks and two more with really young chicks.
I've got several pullets that still need to grow. And a couple of cockrells that we'll sell soon. In a year and a half we've managed to administer the amount of chickens we have so we went from about 20 to 40 now.
Need to build them more perches they tend to fight over what we have right now 😅
Good Lord! Hope y'all stay safe!

Does anyone have tips for making ice cream cakes? My birthday is on Wednesday and I thought, why not try making an ice cream cake? I just went out and got a quart of Baskin Robbins mint chocolate chip (the best) ice cream and I was going to just put it in a pan with some yellow cake, but I wanted to see if anyone had any cautions before I make a plan.
I make mine in a springform cheesecake pan. prebake your cake in same pan so it's just the right size, Cool, cut into layers. Stack cake, softened ice cream, candy or choc chip bits as you like. Freeze. Unmold, ice as you like

Yesterday's apple pie, it won't last long hehe.

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