Any Home Bakers Here?

I made it again today. Did the same extra cup of flour, left it to sit 4 hours in a greased dish. Reshaped with a bit of flour so I could move it onto grease proof paper and back in the dish. Left it another hour and half. Then moved it in the paper into the heated ceramic dish with foil on top.
Turned out ok. But not as pretty as the last one.

I made it again today. Did the same extra cup of flour, left it to sit 4 hours in a greased dish. Reshaped with a bit of flour so I could move it onto grease proof paper and back in the dish. Left it another hour and half. Then moved it in the paper into the heated ceramic dish with foil on top.
Turned out ok. But not as pretty as the last one.

View attachment 2923550
looks great from where I am viewing. Aria
Would honey work the same or would it kill the good bacteria?
The bacteria in honey and the bacteria in kombucha don't "play well together." You can train a scoby to adapt to honey, but it takes awhile. I was going to do that, then priced honey... uh, no. I can get 10 lbs of organic cane sugar at Costco for about $9.

If you do this, let me know how it goes!

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