Any Home Bakers Here?

Hey came across a great recipe

Spinach and apple salad with a Vinaigrette

5 ounces fresh baby spinach
2 small apples, cored and thinly sliced
1/2 cup chopped walnuts, toasted
1/3 cup dried cranberries
3 ounces crumbled cheese

Apple Cider Vinaigrette Ingredients:

1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
2 teaspoons honey
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 small garlic clove, peeled and minced
Salt and black pepper to taste
Thanks for the recipe, it sounds good !
Just out of curiosity, what’s on everybody’s menu plan for Christmas Day?

I was unable to get a goose the season. It’s actually not a surprise, not many Canada geese where I now live. Maybe I’ll try raising geese in the future.

No harvest on elk so far, by the way.

Me and my family are still trying to figure out Christmas dinner.

I've tried to make that bakery no knead bread a few ways now. Including doing nothing with it and just adding it to the hot ceramic dish.
I've gone back to adding an extra cup of flour and flour dusting and reshaping over the rest/ rise time today.
Yup I think that way works out best for me.

Just out of curiosity, what’s on everybody’s menu plan for Christmas Day?

I was unable to get a goose the season. It’s actually not a surprise, not many Canada geese where I now live. Maybe I’ll try raising geese in the future.

No harvest on elk so far, by the way.

Me and my family are still trying to figure out Christmas dinner.


We are having orange stuffed turkey.
I need to get something for new years dinner yet.
Tomorrow is bread day.

Today, I took my newly-acquired air fryer lid for a test drive. I used @BigBlueHen53’s (?) instructions for home fried potatoes.

O. M. Goodness. I forget what I was planning to eat with it. Doesn’t matter. Being a potato-junkie, ‘taters was enough, Precious.

Baker’s math. Converting my favorite kitchen gadget to an alternate use. Proper keeping of sourdough. Cast iron baking. The paths this thread has led me down!
The most important thing to remember about your air fryer is that it needs wiped down occasionally. You can find tips on how on YouTube.
I was going to make turkey pasta salad, but the turkey was hot and crisp, and the water still wasn’t boiling. I hoped the skin would crisp up in the air fryer, and it did. :highfive: The dog and I are happy.
It’s dark in here, but take my word for it, the turkey (frozen leftovers from Thanksgiving) looked amazing! 380* for ten minutes.

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