Any Home Bakers Here?

Jared, I'm so sorry you're having this issue. Wow, that sounds horrible! Sending hope and prayers your way.
X2. Jared, I had horrible night mares for years. When I left my old job, they quit. folks say, nightmares are a product of the id and our inner most fears. I don't know if that is true or not but can attest that mine fit the profile.
Oh, my cheese making supply catalog came. I plan to get the 12" thermometer, for sure, and possibly the skimmer too. Both of those would be handy for when I make yogurt, so even if I don't get into making cheese, this catalog has already been useful.
I’m glad it came.

If you want my opinion, I would just try making cheese at least once, just to try it and see if you like it.

This is a very simple recipe I’ve done. I’ve only failed at it twice in the 30 times I’ve made it.
I’m glad it came.

If you want my opinion, I would just try making cheese at least once, just to try it and see if you like it.

This is a very simple recipe I’ve done. I’ve only failed at it twice in the 30 times I’ve made it.
Oh, I'm sure I will try, and I actually looked at that very recipe on their website! Thanks for the recommendation.
It is VERY frustrating.

Here are my symptoms:
Frequent VERY vivid nightmares, waking up from them suddenly, sometimes punching, kicking, or growling immediately upon waking.
I can relate to this on a lesser frequency, plus sometimes it feels like someone is trying to physically choke me to death.
Concerning the nightmares, they are BAD. In the nightmares, I am being taunted, tormented, and sometimes worse by members of my family.
Keep in mind, what happens in the nightmares NEVER happened in real life, EVER.
For me it's not so much my relatives as it is the religious sect as a whole group. The bad dreams happen the most when I am actively involved in helping the seriously troubled ones that are reaching out for help.
For me though I have been warned through dreams of the seriousness of a situation that had not as yet happened. The main warning is usually who to look out for in any given situation. I have had dreams about things that seemed impossible to happen with these certain individuals, because I had a very high regard for them. When the situation happened it turned out that those individuals were as bad as the dream indicated.
Here are my symptoms:
That does sound really bad. Doesn't sound like narcolepsy though.

I used to have paralysis dreams (likely nothing similar to yours). I think what was happening is I was sleeping on my arm and it went dead. Somehow I managed to learn to pull it out even though in my dream I couldn't move it. Not sure why those dreams finally stopped but I don't miss them.

Is it possible one of the medicines you take could cause this and have there been any changes just prior to the onset?

I'm hoping for quick resolution!!!
That does sound really bad. Doesn't sound like narcolepsy though.

I used to have paralysis dreams (likely nothing similar to yours). I think what was happening is I was sleeping on my arm and it went dead. Somehow I managed to learn to pull it out even though in my dream I couldn't move it. Not sure why those dreams finally stopped but I don't miss them.

Is it possible one of the medicines you take could cause this and have there been any changes just prior to the onset?

I'm hoping for quick resolution!!!

I don’t know if it’s a med or not.

I forgot to mention, it’s full body paralysis.

The last time I had a very bad set of bipolar episodes (before I was diagnosed) I had dreams/night times.. just like that. (But also stuff going on in the day too)
My parents were told I was possibly ADHD as a child.
I hope you get sorted soon, hopefully they will find out whats causing it and help you with the dreams. Psychological/dream things of any kind is not nice.

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