Any Home Bakers Here?

Aria, if I left BYC because somebody jammed a thistle up my kilt I’d have been gone years ago and never come back. I’m sure Bruce and a few others here who were around when I started the Mama Heating Pad thread remember how upset I’d get with the absolutely brutal messages I got, as well as some of the nastier posts. One woman berated me on my thread, accusing me of putting chicks under what amounted to a giant MRI machine. And the kerfluffle increased dramatically when I started raising chicks outdoors.

But for every stinker there are hundreds of warm, wonderful folks here. I enjoy being with them, and I hope they enjoy spending time with me as well. Those are the people who kept me here, and keep me coming back. :caf
Aria, if I left BYC because somebody jammed a thistle up my kilt I’d have been gone years ago and never come back. I’m sure Bruce and a few others here who were around when I started the Mama Heating Pad thread remember how upset I’d get with the absolutely brutal messages I got, as well as some of the nastier posts. One woman berated me on my thread, accusing me of putting chicks under what amounted to a giant MRI machine. And the kerfluffle increased dramatically when I started raising chicks outdoors.

But for every stinker there are hundreds of warm, wonderful folks here. I enjoy being with them, and I hope they enjoy spending time with me as well. Those are the people who kept me here, and keep me coming back. :caf
Blooie, wow! I wonder if those who berated you were aware that mama hens raise their babies outdoors? :eek: Chuckle!
Couple of egg custard tarts.
To all on this forum THAT CARE: I am not sure what
I am expected to do? Can I be a member? Should
I leave? Not sure what I am expected to do? NEVER
HAD something like this happen to Me in the many
years I have lived. Not aware of what is going on...
only that INFORMATIVE should have not been my
response.....even when the information given by person who posted...WAS informative to me. Sorry. Aria
I don't know who did that to you Aria but as others have said, your opinion of a post is none of their dam(n) business. I know that the ignore button works, you never have to see another post from that person again.

You have been nothing but a positive presence here and we appreciate you. Don't let one rude person chase you off.

Blooie, wow! I wonder if those who berated you were aware that mama hens raise their babies outdoors? :eek: Chuckle!
Likely the same sort of people who scream ANIMAL ABUSE if you let your Livestock Guardian Dog live out with the animals they guard. Doesn't matter to these people that the dog would go nuts if it were trapped in the house away from its charges, it is cruel to let them CHOOSE to sleep outdoors or in an outdoor shelter as they prefer on a given night.

Yes, there are many people who think there is only one way to raise chicks and that is to bake them under a heat lamp. 95°F the first week dropping 5°F weekly lest they die of cold. I'm sure they've not considered that birds have no control over the ambient temp yet have been raising babies for centuries without heat lamps.

I baked my first 12 (they did all live) in the house in a bathtub for nearly 4 weeks. That was before @Blooie started the MHP thread. EVERY chick since has started its life here under a MHP for 2 days and a night in the house before being moved to the brooder area of the coop with their MHP or to a broody hen.

I have plenty of pictures of 4 day old chicks running around in 50°F ambient either by themselves or with their mobile brooder (hen). Regardless of their heat source they have all eventually made it from the brooder to the run (barn alley) and outdoors in the same ambient temp as they got older. They are birds but they aren't bird brains ;)
Question: yall my Granny used to make a batch of dough for making biscuits once a week and it stayed in a Tupperware bowl in frige and she just used what she needed from it each day to make biscuits then put the remaining dough back in frige for the next days use.
I saw yesterday a no knead bread recipe (artisan I believe) in which they did very similar and used the dough to make rolls, bread, cinnamon rolls, etc.
Has anyone ever done similar with either biscuit dough or bread dough in leaving in frige for up to a week and just using as needed each day?
Would LUV more info (recipe, tips, etc.) If you have! Granny never wrote down in the dark but luv idea of being able to pull dough outta of frige and make whatever on the spot.
Aria, if one person told you not to use the Informative button, just remember that was ONE PERSON's opinion. Don't let it interfere with your enjoyment and activity on this thread. You have a right to your response to a post, and in MY opinion, no one has a right to judge your response. If a post seems funny to you, how can anyone else say it is not funny? Or if you want to click the "love" response, that is entirely up to you. Those reactions should not be subject to anyone else's opinions. Those are YOUR reaction, nobody else's. Please don't go. You are a cherished member here. ❤🥰🫂🫂🫂

I would be so down all the time if you were not here.

I really enjoy your comments on the bakers thread.

Don't let anyone drive you away as then they win.

Show them who and what you are made of.

Looking forward to seeing you active on this thread.
Aria, if I left BYC because somebody jammed a thistle up my kilt I’d have been gone years ago and never come back. I’m sure Bruce and a few others here who were around when I started the Mama Heating Pad thread remember how upset I’d get with the absolutely brutal messages I got, as well as some of the nastier posts. One woman berated me on my thread, accusing me of putting chicks under what amounted to a giant MRI machine. And the kerfluffle increased dramatically when I started raising chicks outdoors.

But for every stinker there are hundreds of warm, wonderful folks here. I enjoy being with them, and I hope they enjoy spending time with me as well. Those are the people who kept me here, and keep me coming back. :caf


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