Any Home Bakers Here?

garbanzo bean flour
Makes a great coating for onion rings. WAY better than wheat flour and it sticks to the onion. I have never been successful with wheat flour.

Is it wrong that I started coating the door knobs with peanut butter… and there’s no hospital within about an hour?
Not exactly. This has been happening for a while, which leads me to suspect that it is chemical.
I would bet it is chemical, although I am not a medical professional. Most ailments are. Think about diabetes, thyroid, fibro, arthritis. All kinds of autoimmune stuff. I've mentioned before that I'm bipolar and before I got diagnosed and treated ... whew! I can't tell you the misery! Trips to the ER, overnights on the psyche ward. And my family asking what did I have to be depressed about? Just cheer up, they said. That's what made it so terrifying! I couldn't cheer up! I had no reason to be depressed! It was just awful! But once I got on the right meds ... it was like a miracle. I could actually live like a normal person. Such a relief. But it did take a while of the doctors fiddling about with various Rx and dosages to get it right. I've been stable now since 2000. Be patient, Jared, and hang in there. You'll get squared away. You have lots of folks rooting for you!
Thanks, Bruce! I did not bake today, but I did do something I've been wanting to do for a long time. I made yogurt! :woot I haven't in ages because my fridge keeps filling up with eggs! But I finally remembered that if they are not washed, they don't have to be "refrigenated!" So I have six dozen eggs on a shelf in the basement (not all mine, I've become a distributor, lol!), and I did THIS today:


Fourteen and 1/2, half-pint jars of yogurt. I will wash the eggs the night before they are to be sold, possibly tomorrow night, and then they will go in a cooler overnight. Yay, yogurt! :celebrate
Why? She came when she knew that the 3-y-o was here, and brought a gun. I think she would get what she deserved.
You do not need us to pass judgment on this or to validate you. You did what you felt you needed to do to protect yourself and your child. I just wanted to say I think it was an interesting and creative form of self defense. I'm glad you and the child are safe. :hugs

It sounds as if she did not return anyway once you put up defences.
Thanks, Bruce! I did not bake today, but I did do something I've been wanting to do for a long time. I made yogurt! :woot I haven't in ages because my fridge keeps filling up with eggs! But I finally remembered that if they are not washed, they don't have to be "refrigenated!" So I have six dozen eggs on a shelf in the basement (not all mine, I've become a distributor, lol!), and I did THIS today:

View attachment 3012012

Fourteen and 1/2, half-pint jars of yogurt. I will wash the eggs the night before they are to be sold, possibly tomorrow night, and then they will go in a cooler overnight. Yay, yogurt! :celebrate
Is all of the yogurt for you?
Why? She came when she knew that the 3-y-o was here, and brought a gun. I think she would get what she deserved.

Then you should have got yourself safe and called for an ambulance.. and the police. That person was ill, and needed help! it is classed as a medical emergency.
I dont know if you are joking or not but I dont find anti mental health stuff very funny. This is why some people put off getting help, because of the lack of understanding and judgement from people who have no idea what it's like to be ill like them. That makes them hide it, and that is a very bad thing to have to do.
I think I will join Aria. This place is not for me. 👎

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